We went shopping,then grabbed somw dinner before playing some games

Sadly It was time to go home

But somebody stopped us from doing so

"Well well,hello Akina"

A voice so very familiar,yet I wished I never knew that voice

I didn't dare turn around Instead I hugged mom and hid behind her while she does the talking

She picks me up and kept me In her arms

"What do you want Riku"

"I see you have my daughter with you"

"She's not your daughter anymore,I'm her legal parent now,you gave her away and i took her" I could hear annoyance In her tone

"I never gave her away,YOU took her away from me"

"We settled this legally,you signed the papers and now I'm her legal parent"

"Whatever,I want her back" Uh excuse me?


"Look,Niki and Y/n are MY kids and not yours" You had 8 years to treat me right but didn't, your lost old man

"She may not be my child but at least i take care of her better than YOU her biological father"

"Just give her to me" I could hear his steps coming closer

"You have Niki" Mom backed away from him

"He needs his sister" But he kept forcing her

"No Riku,I'm not giving her to you,i promised Kaiyo I'd protect and take of Y/n like she's my own daughter. We're leaving now"

"Auntie Akina..please give Y/n back"

"No Niki,you knew she was in pain but you stood silence not even trying to help her. She doesn't need both of you"


"Go away Niki,i don't wanna know you anymore" Some part of that sentence was true,some was just to get away from them

"Let's go home Y/n"

Mom carried me all the way back to the car and we drove away from the mall

"I'm sorry you had to hear that Y/n"

"It was an accident anyways...we shouldn't have went here"

"It's okay...I'll make sure you never see them again"

We arrived home and I Immediately went to sleep

The next day came and I went to school amd after that,I had to practice Ice skating again

This routine went on for about 2 years

And today finally came

My first ever International skating competition

"I'm nervous Auntie Yua" I felt a little giddy but couldn't Ignore the fact that my heart Is beating so fast

"Don't worry sweetie,just imagine there's no one there,just you gliding through the ice freely"

"W-what if i make a mistake"

"Cover it and continue as if nothing happened"

"Huft okay" I nodded and took deep breaths to keep myself calm

"Now,today is still practice so don't worry,and right now you're given time to meet the other skaters!"

"What now-"

"I'll be with the other trainers okay,now come on I'll take you to meet the other skaters"

Auntie Yua dragged me with her and she took me to a room where there were other skaters,most of them were older than me

"Alright you all,have fun getting to know each other"

With that,she closed the door and left. All of us just sat there awkwardly

"Uhm...should we introduce ourselves? I'm Park Sunghoon from Korea,I'm 13 years old" The boy names Sunghoon spoke up and broke the awkward atmosphere

"I'm Ashlyn Hathaway from America I'm 12 years old"

Everyone took turns introducing themselves until Ut was finally my turn

I was nervous and couldn't speak properly. I looked at the boy,Park Sunghoon and he flashed me a reassuring smile

As If he's saying ' It's okay,go ahead'

"Hi! I'm Nishimura Y/n from Japan,I'm 10 years old"

"You're the youngest out of all of us" One of the contestant said

"Uhm...yeah" I smiled and laughed awkwardly while rubbing the back of my neck

"It's okay,don't feel pressured It's not a huge age difference anyway" It's that Sunghoon boy again


"When did you all started skating" Again one of the contestant which I didn't really catch his name,asked

"When I was 8 so about 5 years ago" That Sunghoon boy started young

"And you Y/n?" The girl next to me asked

"2 years ago"

"Still new huh?"


"Then this should be easy" I heard someone mumble-whisper but It was loud and clear enough for me to hear

"Hm?" I played dumb and asked her again

"Nothing,you looked pretty experienced"

"Thanks?" I decided to not make It a big deal out of It

I just sat there and listened to them talking each other. I felt awkward with them

Apparently the Sunghoon boy noticed that and tried to talk to me

"Hi,Y/n right?"


"You look nervous,don't be,okay?"

I giggled a little "I'm not,it's just awkward here"

"Haha yeah,kinda,talking to someone you just met"

"Yeah...also,you can just speak Korean,you look like you're struggling with English" I held my laugh seeing him so struggling to form a sentence In English

"You understand Korean?"

"Of course,I'm smart you know" I proudly said

"Haha I like the confidence"

"Why thank you"

"What made you like skating?"

"It feels great to be on Ice,there's this feeling that's hard to describe when I'm on Ice,what about you?"

"Me? It's just because i have trouble socializing so my mom suggested to do skating and well,now I'm here" I tilted my head slightly and examined him

"You don't look like someone that would have social problems"

"Haha trust me I do"

"I don't know,seeing you start the conversation just now,you don't look like you do" In fact, I'm the only one awkward and quiet here

"It took some courage you know" I nodded and laughed slightly

We continued chatting about some random stuff which surprisingly lasted pretty long

Until It was finally time for us to practice

[✔️] Again and Again - ENHYPEN Park Sunghoon FFWhere stories live. Discover now