Chapter 8 • The Hebi

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"I'm sure you know the Kazekage is in the Hidden Leaf, even after what happened. I'm suspicious of him, Hiroyuki. I need you to stay away from the last tournament of the exams."

"Yes sir!"


Hiroyuki was relieved.

Not going to the exams meant he wouldn't have to do any extreme fighting, so there was a little percent of chance he would see Jiraiya, which meant no breakdowns.

Though he did miss his little genin, along with Kakashi.

He followed Orochimaru, or "Lord Rasa" around the village from the shadows.

He needed to see Orochimaru.

Of course, he'd have to do it in secret, or else once they realize that's not their Kazekage, they'll think Hiroyuki's a traitor.

This was harder than he thought.

Orochimaru had escorts following him everywhere! Hiroyuki wasn't trying to kill anyone, or knock anyone out. He just had to wait.

He watched as everyone bowed towards the "Kazekage".

Finally, after minutes of waiting, the snake finally entered his temporary home, waving away his guards.

They bowed, leaving the room.

Hiroyuki was happy, he knew he could tell Orochimaru everything. He could finally tell someone the truth.

You have to understand, Orochimaru is a careless, but wary and careful villian.

If Hiroyuki were to tell him about the time travel thing, Orochimaru would believe him. Then what happens? Well, Hiroyuki also tells him how he becomes a good guy during the war. He'd believe that as well.

Besides, of course he wasn't scared of Orochimaru.

Hiroyuki could kill him where he stands if he wanted to.

If Orochimaru were to attack, then Hiroyuki would fight back.

'Okay, here we go..' Hiroyuki thought with a grin, about to jump through the window of his room.

He jumped straight into the window, landing flawlessly.

"Orochimaru." He said.

The snake turned around, licking his lips.

"Hello, Hiroyuki. Or would you rather let me call you, 'Kazuki-sama'?" He teased.

The redhead just glared, annoyed.

He sighed.

"Look," but Orochimaru cut him off.

"I know. I'm a scientist, I've been looking for time travel for years. I know how it works, it's not a surprise that your tailed beast has a jutsu for it."

Hiroyuki froze.

"No need to be worried. I won't tell anyone, do what you need to do. Just try not to get in my way." Orochimaru said.

"Please, you say those words with such confidence, but we all know who the superior is." Hiroyuki said with a smirk.

"Ha ha, very funny." Orochimaru rolled his eyes. He turned, taking out his poison kit, putting together a potion. "What do you want, boy?"

"Is that a poison kit?"

"Yes, would you like one, Kazuki-sama?"

"Oh, stop it." Hiroyuki said annoyingly. "A paralyzing poison. Do you have one?"

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