Hiatus (?)

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Guys, I was wondering if it was okay to take a break? I was scared that if I left, I'd lose my readers for being gone for a while. I started this book about 5 months ago. I've been uploading constantly. It's not taking a toll on my mental health, I just need some time to think the plot out. If I could break for a couple of weeks, that'd be great. I've been thinking about it for a while now. My school is starting interims, and it's my Birthday Party on Saturday. I have preparations that I need to take care of, and making chapters is just adding on. If I do leave though, when I come back, I'll alert you. Thanks for reading, of course! I can't believe we're already half way to 5K! I'm glad you guys enjoy.

Love you guys! ❣️❣️

Wait For Me  °•✧ A Naruto Fanfiction ✧•°Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz