Chapter 24・Enemy Alliance

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"It's funny how I'm older than you, but I still feel intimidated by you." Hiroyuki said.

He came and sat next to him.

"You two are dating now?"

"You're judging me because I'm gay..?"

"Of course not."

"I kissed him."

"Nice job."


"Sasuke is doing well. He's training to kill you. It's going perfectly." Hiroyuki said.


"You're happy that your brother is out to kill you?"

"Yup. I wouldn't mind dying."

"Have you ever thought telling him the truth?"

"Yes.. All 1748602 times I've thought that all lead down to the same path."



"Okay, whatthehelliswrongwithyou? You don't want to be happy?"

"If you'd let me finish my sentence I could explain."

".. 👀."

"It'd be happiness for me. Not for everyone else. Sasuke would kill them, then say something stupid like 'I'm going to become Hokage.'"

"Funny story, actually.."

"Oh, goodness.."

"Calm down, it was Danzo."

"Good riddance." They said at the same time.

They laughed hard and Itachi asked,

"Do you even have a plan."

"Why is it a dot and not a question mark at the end?"

Because, Itachi knows I don't have a plan on how Hiroyuki is about to save the entire world. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"No. I don't." He responded.

"A hero without a plan is the best kind of hero."

"You think so?"


"Well, that's reassuring."

"Do you plan on telling anyone the truth?"

"Ahah.. No."

"You've changed. You're changing."

"You told me that last time."

"It's not a bad thing. I just think changing is.. well, I don't know how to put it into words."


"In a weird way. I guess I liked you as Naruto."

"... Liked? (͡°ʖ̯͡°)."

"Nonono, not like that." He laughed. "In a way where it's different personalities, but the same person. Different perspectives on each side."

(I don't know why, but while writing this I'm thinking about a character from Jojo.. Not gonna say who though, don't want to spoil anything for anyone watching Jojo. ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯)

"One side is mature, smart, older, braver, definitely cooler, and then there's Naruto.." Itachi said.

"Right. Dumb, but ambitious, weak but strong, good looking.. gets all of the ladies.. If I do say so myself.-"

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