Chapter 4- admitting love

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After their dance Stefan and Rebekah wondered into a private booth holding hands as they did so. Stefan wanted to tell Rebekah how he felt and that was exactly what he was going to do.
"Rebekah." He started a nervous look on his face. "I would like to tell you something." He said taking her hand into his own Rebekah looked up at him curious as to what it was he was going to say.
"And what would that be, Mr Salvatore she said in a curious playful tone.
He smiled then continued " we've been in each other's company for a while now, dancing, holding hands, kissing feeding, and I have loved every second of it."
Rebekah's undead heart started to beat rapidly they were having the conversation she was afraid of. She started to get worried loads of thoughts passing through her mind just like they did when she imagined having this conversation 'what if he doesn't want me anymore?' 'What if I'm just a game to him' 'what if...he actually likes me. Just as much as I like him?'
"Stefan saw the nervousness in Rebekah's eyes, he put a hand on her cheek as he continued " i love everything about you Rebekah. Your spunk, your sass, your beautiful sky blue eyes, everything. And I... and I have come to... to love you... for it" he said nervously. Looking up at her to see what she was feeling trying to see what would happen next.
Tears started to prick Rebekah's eyes, she had a huge smile on her face. She put a hand on his cheek and pulled him in and kissed him passionately. He kissed back just as much. When they finally pulled away for breath she looked up at him and whispered gleefully "I've been feeling that way since the night we danced"
Stefan was overjoyed. 'She feels the same way. This is amazing' he thought to himself. He was so happy that he had to pull her in for another kiss. They sat kissing for what felt like an hour but was only 5 minutes.
They both decided to celebrate the occasion by first sharing a drink. They picked out a delectable brunette woman and stared to feed from either side of her neck just like they did when Nik caught them.
Nik watched from the bar smiling to himself. He had heard the whole thing with his vamp hearing and couldn't help but smile "knew you'd find the right one one day little sister." He whispered just low enough so only Rebekah and Stefan could here.
She looked up from where they were and smiled at her brother before continuing to feed and kiss Stefan.

Once the girl passed out Stefan stood up and held his hand out towards Rebekah "can I have this dance my lady?" He asked with his usual smirk. Rebekah smirked back and gladly accepted "why of course Mr Salvatore, it would be very rude not to" she pecked his lips one more time before he guided her to their favourite part of Gloria's. The dance floor.

A/N sorry it's been a while since I updated but school started again and I haven't really had the time, I'll post whenever I'm free. While you wait you could read some of my other stories as well.

I'll love you for eternity Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora