Chapter 14- date night

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"Why can't Elena come?" Was Damon's first question as they made their way to the boarding house.
"Because Damon, she doesn't know that we are brothers, And you can't tell her okay?" Stefan asked turning to look his brother in the eye.
Damon looked conflicted before he answered.
"Look Stefan, I promised her, No more secrets. I can't break that." He said quietly. Kol and Rebekah looked at each other from behind. Kol was as usual when Damon spoke rolling his eyes. And Rebekah chuckled silently.
Stefan sighed knowing what he'd have to do after their reunion.
"Fine. But she has to stay quiet about this. I don't want any of your little friends knowing about who I really am yet. Who any of us are" he said pointing to Rebekah and Kol.
Damon looked surprised at Stefan's coldness. And tried to shrug it off.

After that they decided to vamp to the house to get as much time as possible. When they got to the doorstep Damon decided to asked the question he'd been putting off since their conversation in the street.
"Stefan" he called making his brother face him once again. He raised his eyebrow urging him to continue.
"Are you- i-" Damon took a deep breath to calm himself, as he struggled to get the words out. "Is your humanity still off?" He asked cautiously.

Stefan chuckled lightly. He led Damon inside and all the vampires sat down.
Stefan and Rebekah sat on the sofa together. Kol sat in the chair beside it and Damon sat in the one close to the fire place.
Stefan looked up at his brother.
"My humanity was never fully off Damon, even in 1912 when you forced me to feed. I more dulled it than anything else." Stefan answered calmly.
"Well, is it still 'dulled' then?" Damon questioned emphasising 'dulled', he was still cautious towards him. He knew how bad his brother was without emotion.
"No, it's back I promise. And I've even gotten my bloodlust under controlg as-well more or less." Stefan said smiling.
Damon looked shocked and proud.
"How?" He asked curiously.
Stefan looked over to Rebekah and then to Kol.
"Them?" Damon asked pointing towards the twins.
Stefan nodded.

"Clearly one of them did more than teach you control." Damon said raising a brow towards Rebekah.
Stefan and Rebekah smiled.
"Yes, she's my... wife" Stefan said putting an arm around Rebekah.
The couple were waiting for his reaction, in all honesty Rebekah felt nervous he was Stefan's family after all. His only living relative. His brother for goodness sake.
Damon's mouth just hung open as his eyes looked as if they may pop out of their sockets.
Kol just looked over to them in confusion.
"So, is he just going to sit here and waste our already precious time or...?" he trailed off, getting impatient. Rebekah gave him a stern look which such Kol up pretty fast.
After about a minute, Damon finally came back to reality.
"Since- since when?" He asked astonished.
"Since the 16th of July, 1932" Rebekah responded. "It was a 20s style wedding" she added.
"Oh wow, that is a long time. Wait you've been able to deal with my brothers self righteousness for this long?!" Damon leaned back in his chair stretching his arms across the back. "You might be a keeper, but I still got my eye on you." Damon warned giving his best intimidating face.

~a few days later~

After the confrontation Stefan made Damon forget it since he guessed the doppelgänger didn't really know how to keep a secret, especially form 'the gang' as he liked to call them. And it was just a lot easier. He also added that Damon could not say anything about him being his brother so it was easier to go places. Without his brother outing him some how.

Anyway tomorrow is the ritual. It's the evening right now and Stefan decided to take Rebekah on a much deserved date. It was 7pm and they were in the mystic Grill.

Rebekah was wearing a short red flowing dress that went above the knee. While Stefan wore a white shirt with a leather jacket coz he's Stefan. And some black jeans.

"So how different is mystic falls since you were little? It probably hasn't changed much." Stefan joked.
Rebekah playfully rolled her eyes "haha very funny." She thought about it for a second: the fields, the trees, the hovel, even the birds. How times had changed since then.
"It was a lot more peaceful when I was a child. Way more trees and fields. To answer your question a lot has changed in over 1,000 years"
She replied. Stefan watched as her face dropped slightly as she thought of her childhood most likely remembering her brother as well, he placed his hand over hers and rubbed his thumb across it in slow gentle circles.
"Must have been nice, with the peace. When I was growing up as you probably know. There was somehow always something making noises whether it be the floor, carriages or construction outside." Rebekah looked up at Stefan again smiling fondly
"It was" she mused.
After a few seconds of comfortable silence and then gazing into each others eyes, Rebekah spoke.
"So, how cocky do think Nik will become once we've helped him trigger his bloody werewolf side?" She asked rolling her eyes at the thought of her brothers ego increasing.
Stefan Stefan sighed, chuckling about it.
"There would be no room for us, it's already a squeeze as it is I don't think we can handle much more" he replied dramatically.
They both laughed.

After they had finished their dessert they decided it was time to go home. Stefan and Rebekah locked eyes once more as they stood up Stefan giving her a suggestive look. Rebekah's eyes told him that she understood and agreed to it.
Once that had happened they knew they couldn't go home to 3 vampires at the flat, so decided to go to the school. it was late at night and no one would be in at 10pm any way. They saw an upstairs window open and rushed inside as they began to get restless with waiting.
Once they were inside Stefan vamped her against a wall and kissed her harshly, full of passion and want. Rebekah returned the kiss with the same amount of force.
Their tongues fought for dominance swirling round each other until eventually Rebekah won.
They continued kissing until they were breathless. When they pulled away they made eye contact once more and Stefan couldn't resist her he started covering the side of her neck with with his mouth. Knowing exactly where her weak spots were and took advantage. He began desperately ripping her clothes off until she was only left with her underwear on.
"No wonder your called the bloody ripper" she sighed as Stefan continued to suck on her neck. She could feel him smirk at the comment.
She pushed him off and he stood there staring at her waiting for her next move.
"I think the clothes ratio is a bit off, why don't I fix that." She said seductively. She reached out and ripped his shirt clean off, buttons flew everywhere but she couldn't care less, she knew exactly what she wanted and was gonna take it.

A/N hey guys so here I am. Yes I'm alive. So just in case you don't know imma update twice either this week or next week since I uploaded late.

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