Chapter 18

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When Stefan and Rebekah had walked into history they found the rest of the doppelgängers friends all huddled up.
The Bennett witch looked distraught, she had started to uncontrollably sob.
"Huh, I forgot her and the Gilbert boy were dating" Rebekah said tilting her head to the side with little interest.

The moment Bonnie saw the two vampires in the classroom she exploded. She leaped at them, and in her grief stricken, desperate state, she attempted to bitch slap Rebekah. But of course being an original she was to fast for that and blocked it with ease.
She looked down at the Bennett witch, who was horrified, and smirked. But she knew this wasn't the time and place to get messy so after just a few seconds she just let go.
Stefan then grabbed her wrist and pulled her close
"Try that again, and let's see what happens to your other little friends hm....Do you think they'll like it if I compelled you to kill them all." Stefan whispered darkly.
He knew Rebekah could easily stand her own ground and look after herself but that still didn't stop Stefan from being protective over her.
Caroline came over and placed her hands on Bonnies shoulders "come on Bon, it's not worth it"
She then dragged her grief stricken friend back over to her desk right after giving the two originals a death glare that could probably actually kill, if it weren't for their vampirism.

Right after all this happened the teacher came in so Rebekah and Stefan quickly made their way over to their seats.
"Hello class, I am Mr Smith. I will be your sub for the next few days since your usual history teaching is dealing with some personal issues."
He then looked at the lesson that was planned for today.
"Can everyone turn to page 394. In your textbooks please"

After school
Jenna was with Damon at the boarding house, he was teaching her how to control her hunger and everything else that came with being a vampire.
Jenna couldn't lie, she does enjoy it, the only thing that she wishes would go away is the hunger and grief she felt for Jeremy.
"Jenna, now I'm going to teach you how to compel someone" Damon stated as he called for a woman he'd pulled off the street.
"Now look deeply into her eyes"
She nodded and did just that.
"Now what?" She asked.
"Now, tell her to do something like I don't know, to cut her hair or something" he said flicking his wrist around in a girly fashion.
Jenna nodded.
"I want you to go grab some scissors and cut your hair into a nice Bob" she commanded.
"Good, now just to be clear you don't have to say 'I want you to' ok." Damon said walking over to a chair to sit on.
"Got it. Now we wait I guess" she said as she joined Damon.
"Yup, now we wait"
After around 10 minutes the woman came down scissors still in hand. Her hair was in a Bob just like Jenna had compelled her to.
"Oh my god it actually worked" Jenna said excitedly.
"Yep now to do feeding, this might be harder for you, but you must learn to drink from the vein as well as blood bags. So that if you don't have any blood bags you don't need to worry about accidentally ripping someone's head off coz you lost control" Damon explained.
Jenna nodded fearfully.
"O-okay what's the first step then?"
She asked nervously.
"Compel her to stand still and don't scream" Damon replied.
Jenna took a deep breath and repeated Damon's words.
"Now drink, I'll pull you away if you go too far, I promise." Damon said encouragingly.
Jenna nodded once again and with a bit of hesitance, she let her veins ripple and her fangs come through, then she finally bit into the woman's neck.
"That's it, your doing good, now listen to the heartbeat. When it starts to slow down, that's when you've had enough. Ok"
Jenna continued to drink. Much like most other vampires the first time drank from an unwilling person, she killed them, If it weren't for Ric and Damon, she probably wouldn't have been able to handle it.
As she drank she did what Damon said and listened to the heartbeat she let it slow a bit before she pulled away.
She took a few deep breathes and rubbed the blood off her mouth.
"Was that good?" She asked turning back to Damon.
Damon smiled and nodded.
"Yep I give a B since your technique was a little sloppy though" he smirked
Jenna rolled her eyes
" jee thanks."
"Your welcome. Anyway now for the last step" Damon said looking back towards the slightly weak girl.
"Make her forget about this."
Damon said pointing to the girl.
"Ok, like this?" She asked
"Walk away and forget everything that happened in here."
She watched as she walked out the door, the turned to face Damon.
"Ta da" she said with small jazz hands.
"Good job" I think you'll be good at this, maybe even Caroline level good." He chucked.

"Thanks for doing this, it's been really hard this past week since Jeremy and this has been a great distraction." She said smiling sadly at the thought of her dead nephew.
"Yeah I could tell, Alaric won't leave his flat now, not even for a bourbon at the grill. And Elena has been extremely mopey all week." Damon answered as he thought back to being rejected by his friend to get a drink. He was absolutely horrified.

"The heightened emotions have definitely been a real bitch to me, this week, I think that's I why I try not to think about him a lot."
Jenna answered. There was a small silence.
"Anyway I'm going to go and see Rick now, I really need to go check on him, I think Jeremy had become like a son to him, before his passing which explains the bad reaction." Jenna said her voice quivering near the end.
"See you soon Damon" she waved good bye and vamped to Ricks place.

Damon stayed sat on his chair as he thought about Jeremy. He did miss the little punk,
annoying and cocky as he was.

Then there was a knock at the door. Damon looked up surprised.
'Who the hell is that' he thought.
He slowly walked over to the door, and opened it cautiously.
There stood his brother and his sister in law.
"What do you want?" He asked angrily.
"To talk" Stefan responded.

A/N hey guys, I didn't know what to name this chapter so yeah I'm leaving that blank. I hope you enjoyed and I'll be back next week byeee.

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