Chapter 13-A good old family reunion

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Damon was in his room smashing anything and everything in sight. He couldn't lose Elena. He already lost his brother coz he let him run off. He may not be dead...well not fully anyway. But he might as well have been, since they haven't been in contact since 1912, it's been an entire century. And now he may lose Elena forever to, because she's so dam stubborn.
Damon thought as he smashed yet another vase.
He then stopped as an idea popped into his head.
"I know what I have to do to save her." He said to himself quietly, looking down at his hands.
"To save myself from loss."

Alaric's apartment
Klaus and Stefan were sat in the living room just having an idle chat with bourbon in hand.
"So when exactly are you going back into your original body Nik?" Stefan asked curiously.
Nik looked up to think about it.
"It will be before the full moon. In fact since there's yet another decade dance tonight I'll probably do it after that. By then I'll have everything I need for the ritual." Klaus responded smirking at the thought of finally being all he was meant to be.
"Good coz this Alaric guy is really not that intimidating even when your trying to make him seem so." Stefan response smirking and lifting a brow.
"I know, he's absolutely pathetic. And his whole Hunter gag is absolutely barbaric." Klaus then stood up and picked up a cross bow to prove a point.
"Does he really think this small thing, will honestly kill the majority of vampires he will try to fight against. I mean maybe the new ones . But older ones and more skilled will easily catch it and then end his pathetic little life." Klaus taunted as he pointed the cross bow around.
Stefan chuckled and downed the rest of his bourbon.
Just as he did this Rebekah and Kol came home with Elijah.

Klaus almost dropped the cross bow he was holding, and just as he was getting use to the shock of seeing his older brother again, Elijah attacked him, not really caring that klaus was not in his true body.
"Why, NICKLAUS? After ALL THIS TIME! You hid our ENTIRE family away from me and pretended they were dead!" Elijah looked as if he was going to rip klaus'- or rather Alaric's, heart out.
"I did it to protect-"
Elijah didn't let him finish he didn't want him to.
"PROTECT WHAT NICKLAUS!... YOURSELF, YOUR PRECIOUS RITUAL." Elijah chucked him agains a wall leaving a massive crack where Klaus had made impact. He then vamped over to him and pinned him to the wall.

Kol Rebekah and Stefan decided to leave the house and go the Mystic Grill, while they took their anger out.

When they arrived they found a table and looked around. The doppelgänger was there with all her little friends. But they couldn't see Damon. Rebekah looked over towards Stefan
"How come your brother isn't super glued to the doppelgängers side, considering there is a narcissistic back stabbing wanker out to get her." Rebekah asked. By the way she described Nik you could tell how angry she was at him for faking their deaths to Elijah.
"Well that depends" Stefan replied putting an arm around Rebekah to calm her down slightly.
"What was your plan in the end to save the doppelgänger and her little gang?" Stefan asked. Rebekah looked up at him and started to explain.
"Ok so the plan basically is to use a 5 centuries old elixir that was meant to be used on the previous doppelgänger to keep her alive. Elena will drink the elixir and once she has died she will later come back." Rebekah explained.
"And their gonna use the element of Suprise by
Bringing the Bennett witch into it. And letting her use the power of 100 witches to weaken klaus and then Elijah was gonna do the rest."
Kol finished. Stefan furrowed his brows at the last bit.
"Was?" He questioned, a little confuse.
"Yes knowing Elijah he won't kill Nik, now knowing all his family is alive and well" Rebekah answered. Stefan couldn't argue with that.
"So can you answer my question now?" Rebekah pleaded.
"Hmmm... I'll think about it." Stefan said playfully. Rebekah elbowed him.
"Hey, hey I was only joking" Stefan said rubbing his side.
"Damon most likely isn't here coz he's stropping about not getting his way, I know Damon would not believe in some old elixir made by some witches 5 centuries ago." Stefan explained. He knew how moody Damon got when Stefan didn't listen to him when they were kids. And when he went against his wishes to be turned, he was promised an eternity of misery.
Kol sniggered " I wouldn't be surprised. The way he kicked us out earlier" he said.
"Yeah he did react pretty badly to the idea" Rebekah added. "Your brother can be quite arrogant." She said rolling her eyes.
Stefan sighed smiling "that's my brother alright"

Since they were talking they failed to notice that Damon had actually walked into the Grill. They only noticed when they heard yelling start to occur. They snapped their heads towards the sound and Stefan's eyes widened. There he was, his older brother.
Stefan looked to Rebekah and Kol.
"Do we stay or do we go" he asked.
"It's your decision mate, he is your brother after all." Kol said looking back over to the angry couple.
Stefan just sat and watched them argue.
After a few minutes he got bored and started to talk to Kol and Rebekah just about random stuff.
They were so engrossed in the conversation that they didn't realise that someone had come up to their table.
"Stefan" he whispered in shock. Stefan froze and looked up to the man who spoke.
It was Damon
"Hello brother" Stefan almost whispered.
Damon looked like he might actually cry.
Stefan stood up and pulled him into a hug.
"I missed you brother" he heard Damon whisper as he returned the hug.
Stefan smiled.
"I missed you to." When they pulled away Damon had loads of questions.
They decided to go back to the Boarding house to catch up since klaus and Elijah were... sorting stuff out.

A/N hello my lovelies, I actually nearly forgot to update and remembered at like 3am this morning so if it's a little confusing and bad... well that's why. Any way Stefan and Damon have finally reunited ayyyyyy. Next update will be hopefully starting on the ritual. See ya sooonn.

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