What would have happened

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Hey guys so I had a question about what would have happened if I carried on writing so I thought I'd write a summary and go into some details.

Eventually,  Stefan and Damon fix their bond it takes a while with a lot of ups and downs with Damon's distrust in the original family and protectiveness over elena. Elena never ends up trusting or liking anyone from the original family. She even goes as far as to try and break the brothers up again because of her hatred for them. Which sorta works but they find a way to fix the damage she caused as well.

Hope and Freya do come into the story as well just like how they did in the originals. And Stefan would have moved to New Orleans with the family, most events from the originals would be the same aswell just with Stefan in it who would leave with Rebekah at the end of season 1 to protect hope.
In season 1 Stefan would also help Klaus defeat the witches and wolves.
In season 2 again he would help defeat Esther and Finn and would help Klaus try to avenge Kol. He would also be there in his final moments.
In season 3 again he'll help the Mikaelson's. Kol will be realived and the originals will be put to sleep.
Stefan would have also helped Hayley in getting the Mikaelson's to wake up during that 5 year time gap. And develop a close bond with Hope as her Uncle Stefan, by telling her many stories about her dad and just helping out.
And sadly season 5 would end the same way as in the originals except there would have been a goodbye part between Klaus and Stefan.
Rebekah also decides to stay a vampire just coz I don't wanna let Stebekah end 😩and you'll see another reason in a minute as-well And Stefan would obviously turn up to the Freelend wedding and said a toast.

Moving onto TVD
Of course the cure storyline would have happened very similarly except Rebekah would not have stabbed Stefan or ran off with Elena when her humanity switched off.
I would not have gone into the Silas story line in season 5 of tvd as they would now be in New Orleans.
In season 8 Damon would have still become a slave to the devil as would Enzo but they would both eventually break free. The cure is burned by hell fire thanks to Cade (honestly what a twat am I right). And instead of Stefan dying at the end coz he would not have been there Damon decided to make the ultimate sacrifice and is actually able to go through with it and there would have been a funeral at the end that Stefan would have shown up to and it would have been very emotional. I would have probably written a scene with Stefan saying goodbye to Damon on his own. And to make it even more depressing or not whichever way you take it Elena does not wake up until Bonnie sadly passes coz I just love emotional damage apparently for all those Elena fans out there.

Kol would have found divina and his story would have been very similar to the one in the show.
Klaus would be with Cami
Caroline still would have had that small thing with Klaus but like the show no relationship and I can't think of anyone to put her with so u can decide who you want just know for me it would not have ended with Klaus coz I'm not a klaroline shipper.
Bonnie would be with Enzo who would not have died at the end coz Stefan wouldn't have been there
Finn would have been with Sage but his story will stay the same as the shows.
Marcel would have ended up with Sofia coz why not.

A/N-Anyway I think I covered everything very briefly and I hope this answered all your unanswered questions. I am sorry I never really finished the story but I was just having so many blocks and just wasn't feeling it anymore that I had to stop coz otherwise we would have gotten something I would write in an English lesson which would have been very monotone and empty and you all deserve better than that. Oh and sorry I never got round to that other story I was planning I completely forgot about it tbh 😅. Love you all and thanks for all the support and votes. Bye ✌🏽

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