Chapter 17 ; Thursday : Junhoe

Começar do início

I ran towards him and kissed him. I don't know why I kissed him but it seemed like the right thing to do. He quickly reacted to the kiss and kissed me back. I pulled away from the kiss and he pouted.

"I didn't say that I WAS leaving. I said that I might." I said.

"You're definitely picking me. That's why you kissed me. We've already kissed twice. Now, let's go on our date, shall we?" He smiled then leaned in for another kiss but this time I didn't let him. He pouted again and then grabbed my hand and we left.

We got to the store and saw my cousin. She screamed when she saw Junhoe and said, "I'm your fan. Oppa! I love you!! Can I have your autograph?!" Junhoe at me and then signaled me the sign to get out of there. We counted to 3 in our heads. Then we ran for our lives. Holding hands running back to our dorms. Fans recognized him and started to run after us.

"Is that Junhoe?"

"From WIN and Mix&Match?"

"Let's chase him!"

"Wait, who's that girl he's holding hands with?"

"He has a girlfriend?"

"No, it's probably just a fan."


Because the fans were following us we couldn't run home. So, we ran to the YG building. We got inside and we saw WINNER. I bowed politely while Junhoe just stood there.

"Wah, Junhoe who's this?" said Mino.

"Your girlfriend?" Laughed Seunghoon.

"Actually, yes. She is my girlfriend."

All of them stood there wide eyed. Then Junhoe oppa grabbed my hand.

"See? We're holding hands. That means we're dating. What? Are you jealous because you guys are too ugly and can't get a girl. In order to get a girl you have to be beautiful, like me. But then again Jinwoo hyung could get a girl. He pretty."

Taehyun looked at me then smiled and said, "what's your name? And you're not really dating this punk, right?"

I smiled and said, "No, we're not dating. We're just hanging out today. And I'm Hyesung. I'm a huge fan of you guys. You're all very talented. It's a pleasure to meet you guys."

"Wow. She's so well-mannered. That proves it that she's not his girlfriend. A nice girl like her with a diva like him? That's not right." Taehyun said.

"Well, umm... Why are you here? Aren't you not allowed in here?" Seungyoon asked politely.

"I'm actually a trainee under YG. And Oppa dragged me in here." I answered.

"Well, Hyesung. It was nice meeting you. See you around. We gotta go."

The WINNER oppa's all left. And me and Junhoe were left there alone. I felt the urge to go home.

"Oppa, I need to go home. And can we call off this date?"

"What? Call off our date? Why?"

"I'm no longer doing this. It's not right."

"Fine. Call it off. See if I care."

I got out of the building and went back to our dorms. But instead of going to my dorm first I went to my oppas' dorm. I needed to talk about my leave. I knocked on the door. Chanwoo ran to the door and opened it.

"Oh?? Hyesung? Where's hyung?"

"Junhoe Oppa? I umm... Can I come inside?"

I went inside and sat down. All the boys were sitting there staring at the tv. Then they looked up and saw me.


They all screamed. They jumped up and hugged me. I smiled and hugged them all back.

"I came here alone because Junhoe Oppa is mad at me. So I came alone. But that's not why I came here. I came here because I need to tell you guys that, in a few days I'm gonna leave for America. I could go and stay but I don't know. My mom is sick and I'm gonna go see her. So, I come to say goodbye. And to cancel the dates. I've already chosen."

"Wait. Hyesung, who'd you choose? And you're leaving before my birthday?" Bobby said.

"I have no clue. But I'll tell you guys when I come back. If I come back."

"Don't throw away your dreams. Pursue them. And we'd miss you lots. So please don't stay. We need you." Chanwoo said.

"Bobby Oppa. Can I talk to you privately for a second?"

Bobby got up and walked out. I followed him. Now was the time for me to ask him the questions that I've been dying to ask.

"You remember when I told you to meet up with me? I think it was 2 days ago."

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

"Oppa, I don't remember who came. Could you tell me? Please?"

"You don't remember? Just think. You'll remember. I'm gonna go back in now. Just stay in here and think." He said and left the room.

I thought and thought. Then finally after 10 minutes I remembered!


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I Choose YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora