"Ridiculous. All this dark and light nonsense." 

"Anyways which house do you think you're gonna be in?" Pansy asked. 

"Slytherin." Harry responded. 

"No Potter has ever been in Slytherin." Blaise said.

"I'm not like most Potters am I?"

It was then when Jadeite decided to make her presence know. She slithered from Harry's t-shirt and curled between Harry and Draco on the seat. Draco shrieked and nearly stood on his seat as he saw Jadeite. Blaise and Pansy were suddenly hugging each other and standing on the seat. Harry laughed at the reaction the 3 were giving him. 

'Should I attack these humans master?' Jadeite hissed loudly.

'No. They look good enough. You can only attack them if I tell you too. The platinum blonde guy is Draco. The boy over there with the girl is Blaise, and the girl is Pansy. No attacking!' Harry hissed back, giving Jadeite ground rules before turning towards the others.

"Don't be afraid. This is Jadeite, my pet snake. It won't hurt you if I don't tell it to. But I don't make promises. See if you'll behave yourself." Harry laughed. 

"You speak Parseltounge?" Blaise asked still scared.

"Yes I do!" Harry replied. 

Draco slumped down on his seat and asked, "Where did you get that snake? I didn't knew the Potters like snakes."

"I- I found it in the forest near the Potter castle. And the Potters don't know about it." Harry shrugged. 

Everyone's eyes widened. A Potter who likes snakes? This is going to be an interesting year. Soon, the lunch trolley arrived. Harry only bought a bag of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, and they played with it. 

"Gross! I just ate grass!" Draco said while spatting his jellybean into a tissue paper. 

"Oh yum! I got taffy." Harry smiled while chewing his. 

"Why don't you never get a bad one harry?" Blaise asked spitting his jellybean which was rotten egg into another tissue paper. 

"Good luck?" Harry lied. In fact, Harry helped invented this snack. He knew every single detail of every single bean. It was one of Harry's favorite creation and snack. 

"Harry, when you said your house would be Slytherin how could you be so sure?" Blaise asked curiously.

"Well, it'll be either Slytherin or Ravenclaw, but I have a feeling that'll it be Slytherin I just know it." Harry smiled. They continued eating their snacks when a thought popped into Harry's mind.

"Draco, you said my father WAS head auror?" 

"Yeah, you didn't hear the news, your dad and mom are teaching. He became the new flight instructor while your mom took up Arithmancy." 

"Excuse me? WHAT! I thought I came to Hogwarts to just be away from them." Harry groaned.

"Well, if you are in Slytherin you won't have to worry about them. Because there is Severus Snape, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin-Black." Blaise shrugged.

Harry nearly choked on his bean. "Black? Lupin? They teach in Hogwarts??" 

"Yes, I heard they had a falling out with James after you disappeared. Why?" Pansy quipped.

"They're my godfathers." 

"Awesome! Severus is my godfather." Draco said.

"NO WAY! He's an amazing potion master! He's like my idol!" 

Meanwhile Pansy had different questions. "That bracelet and ring looks so pretty! Can I see them?" 

Harry stretched out his right hand and showed them the ring with 5 different crests and the bracelet with 6 gemstones. "Beautiful right? It's a gift from-" Harry immediately closed his mouth. He forgot that not everyone can know about his past. Merlin had told him to trust the person completely before telling them the truth. 

"From who?" Pansy asked curious. 

"Never mind." Pansy read Harry's expression which was hard because he was wearing an emotionless mask. 

Pansy just shrugged and continued talking with the rest of the boys.

At around 5, trouble came. Evelyn came barging into the compartment along with Ron and a girl with bushy hair. It was a muggle-born. Harry was sure of it. She was very tense and nervous, just like the rest of the mudbloods that Sal used to teach. Sal said that the mudbloods were amusing to teach as they were curious about every thing in the wizarding world. 

"I'm sorry. Can I help you?" Harry's voice dripped with sarcasm, finding his snake under the seat. 

"Harry!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING SITTING WITH... these type of people?" Evelyn screeched. 

Harry's ears were red from all the high pitched screeching sound. Harry took out his snake. Evelyn screamed along with her friends. Ron nearly ran out of the compartment. "HARRY! Take that snake away this instant." Evelyn ordered.

"No. You may be the girl-who-lived but you don't control me or my snake. Plus I'm 7 minutes older than you." Harry said nonchalantly, placing Jadeite on his lap, stroking it.

"You're just jealous!" She spat at Harry, smiling nastily at him. "I mean I'm famous, loved, and powerful; basically the opposite of you. I even got the heirship over you, even though you're older. And what happens to you for the past 10 years? You got thrown away like trash!"

Harry's expression of disbelief was not fake, it really was true. He was speechless thinking of what to say to that horrid girl. 

"Indeed I'm jealous. I would really love that scar of you and be the center of attention to every single living thing. Everyone worshipping me even though I'm nothing." Harry's voice was filled with sarcasm. Draco bit his cheek, trying not to laugh. 

"Don't talk to Evelyn like that! She's the girl-who-lived! She got advanced training." Ron yelled.

"Calm down Weasel. Everyone knows the reason why you stick with her is because you try to raise your very own pathetic reputation as a blood traitor. She's nothing and yet you cling on to her. Disgusting and pathetic!" Draco sneered.

"You both are very rude! Evelyn Potter did defeat You-know-who, she deserves some respect." the bushy haired girl scolded Draco and Harry as if they were kindergarten children. 

"For a mudblood you chose the wrong type of company." Harry retorted. Ron and Evelyn both gasped, rearing back in horror until Weasley exploded.

"How dare you call her... that!" 

Harry stared in utter confusion and smacked his head. "Right. Mudblood! Not supposed to say that word." Merlin had warned him that Mudblood was seen as a highly offensive word these days. Harry was used to using the word 'mud' to represent muggles. It is what they are!

"I'll tell daddy about this!" Evelyn threatened.

"Wow. I'm so afraid!" Harry sighed. With a flick of his hand, the 3 intruders were pushed out of the compartment by an invisible hand, and the door closed by itself. 

"Woah. Is that wandless magic?" Draco asked.

"Yes. I hate using my wand. It's such a nuisance. Waving it around is just so tiring. Oh look we're almost there!" Harry said pointing out the window. 

"There's going to be a lot of unexpected things happening in Hogwarts this year." Draco smiled while putting on his robes. 

Harry merely grinned, as he put on his special robe that Helga gave him. Immediately, Harry felt like he was being hugged by the 4 founders. Harry looked out the window and saw the towering castle of Hogwarts. He shrunk his trunk and his owl, placing the both of them in his robes pocket. Jadeite crept over to Harry's shoulder and immediately fell asleep. Harry looked at the rest of his friends who were staring at Harry's robes. Harry smiled as they walked out the compartment. 

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