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It was about a month after me and Brandon had hung out and he asked me out. Not that same day of course, but I did say yes. I was done trying to get over my boyfriend back in Arizona who had cheated on me and I really liked Brandon. I knew he wouldn't use me or betray me like I had been before. Me and my mom and my sister were sat down on my mom's small bed and apparently she was looking for a nice apartment. I knew it wouldn't be hard to find one between her price range because my mom had a good job as a project manager and got paid well. But being the picky person she was, she just couldn't find the 'perfect one.'

"Well, I want to find one with two rooms and a nice kitchen..." She murmured as she squinted at the laptop screen.

"Two rooms? Have fun sharing with Ella." I said.

My mom glared at me. "You know you and Ella are going to be sharing a room. No exceptions."

"Mom. I am an adult. I shouldn't be sharing a room with a middle schooler." I emphasized the last part and gave a look of sympathy to my younger sister saying, "sorry El."

"Well if you're such an adult why don't you have a job to pay for an apartment hmm?" She hummed.

"Because I have school work I don't have time for a job geez. And you can afford a three room apartment!" I exclaimed. I had been helping her search and I had found great apartments with three bedrooms in her price range.

"Yeah, but I want an ocean view" She mumbled.

"What? Seriously mom?" I laughed. "That's wh-," I grabbed the laptop from her. "Okay fine, I'll find you one."

I had been searching for hours on end while my sister and mom were out shopping for some furniture. Just as I had found the perfect one, they opened the door to our room.

"Hey, found anything?" My mom said.

"Yeah," I whispered breathily. "Look." It was a cozy apartment that looked out onto a small beach by the water. There were three rooms, one of them being kind of small but I knew we could manage. The kitchen was sort of huge in the small apartment with an island in the middle with marble granite counters and a built in stove. There were two bathrooms, one in the master bedroom and one in the general area. Speaking of which, it was decorated with smooth wooden floors and a bookshelf lining the walls. There was a small cream rug in the middle where I'm guessing we would put the coffee table. Everything about this house was perfect and I knew my mom would like it.

"How much?" She murmured.

"A little over 2000?" I said cautiously, hoping that she would give in.

"Okay, I'll talk to the landlord." And with that, me and Ella let out our cheers and what not, happy that we'd finally be getting our own little apartment. Ella had grown to love this place and I have to admit, so have I but we couldn't wait to move.

"Ok...yeah. Thanks so much." My mom hung up her phone and smiled at us. "Apparently they need the closing for the house asap so we should be moving by next week!"

"Yes, I can't wait to decorate my own room..." Ella trailed on, telling us about her dream bedroom but I was just finally happy that we would be living a normal life, no trace of our past behind us.


"Ok, what's your favorite color?" Me and Harry were hanging out later that day in the town centre, playing a game that he taught me how to play.

"Mr. Brooks."

"Who's your best friend?"


"Ew, favorite food?" I asked as I licked the ice cream off my spoon.

"You." He smiled and I returned the gesture but then I realized he was smiling for a different reason.

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