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I stirred around in my bed for a little bit, the bed feeling larger than usual. My eyes fluttered open and it was still dark out. There was a cup of orange juice and a tablet on the bedside table. But that wasn't my bedside table. Or my window...where am I? Memories of last night started to play back into my head. I faintly remember Niall, Brandon and a few other people, still not sure of what had happened last night. Maybe Niall took me to his place. Thank god. My mom would've killed me if she found out I was drunk at a party.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and I let out a small gasp when Harry walked into the room.

"Good morning sleepyhead. Thought you'd never wake up," he murmured with a smirk on his face. I guess it was Harry who'd brought me home. But what happened?

"Did we...?" I said out loud.

"What? No! No, you were drunk I wouldn't do that. Unlike some people." He murmured the last part under his breath. "Drink. And take the tablet. I'm guessing you have a huge hangover," he said and it never really occurred to me until now, that my head was killing me. I grabbed the cup of orange juice and guzzled it down as well as the tablet. I looked down and realized I was only wearing a shirt and some underwear. If Harry and I didn't hook up then what happened?

He handed me a bagel as he climbed into the bed and sat next to me with his legs crossed over each other. I ate silently as he just watched me intently and I felt uncomfortable under his gaze.

"So, what happened?" I whispered hoarsely. My throat was dry and I was craving more orange juice or something to drink.

"Well, I guess Brandon drugged you and tried to rape you," he muttered, sipping the cup of tea that he had in his hand.

"What? Why would you even joke about that?" I said. I knew Harry didn't like Brandon but he didn't have to make this kind of joke. It wasn't funny and I just wanted to know what actually happened.

"I'm not trying to get Brandon to turn against you." He turned to me. "Ask Niall, ask anyone! He's the one that saved you before anything happened." I just sat there dumbfounded and taken aback by his sudden outburst. If Harry was right, which he probably was, I would be terribly embarrassed. After everything, this still happened to me. Brandon turned on me just like a majority of everyone else in my life and I was so sick of it. Harry warned me and I had to be so naive as to ignoring him and just playing along with Brandon's games. I had no idea what he was capable of even after harry warned me, I didn't listen. He said I would come crying to him and I bet that's exactly what I did last night. He was right about everything. And here I was, sitting on his bed, going nowhere. My life was just going in the same circle again and again, getting hurt and then regretting ever trusting that person later on.

"Don't cry." Harry leaned over and stroked a tear away from my cheek. I hadn't even realized that I was crying.

"I'm not. Go ahead and say it, 'I told you so.' "

"As much as I'd love to, I'm not going to," Harry joked although I wasn't really in the mood.

"Thanks for covering for me or whatever. I'm going home." I sniffled and climbed out of the large bed. I grabbed my jeans that I had found laying on the ground and pulled them on.

"Wait, do you want to talk?" Harry asked me and I just shook my head no.

"Can I use the bathroom?" I whispered hoarsely.

"Yeah. Yeah, sure." Harry motioned towards the bathroom in his room, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.

I went into the bathroom to freshen up so that I looked the least bit presentable when I went back to the shelter because I know that I had a lot of explaining to do. I murmured one last, 'thank you' to Harry on my way out and closed the door behind me. I rushed home just in case Brandon had hired anyone to ambush me.

"Good Morning Miss. Rita," I said quickly and made my way down the crowded hallway.

"So, you were at Graces house last night?" My mom asks as soon as I enter the room. I was?

"I was." I nodded. "I need a shower," I murmured.

"How was the party?" My mom whispered partially.

"Great," I said sarcastically and went into the shower. I must've stayed in there for at least an hour because I was just busy trying to recall all of the events that had happened last night. I stepped out of the shower and into the room and Ella and mom were no where to be seen so I just went to bed even though it was probably like, 3pm. Except I didn't sleep. I just lay there, staring up at the ceiling, thinking about everything and nothing. I sighed deeply, wondering how it would be when I returned to school on Monday. I had one more day to think about everything and maybe talk to Brandon or Niall so I guess I'll just see how that goes.

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k so you guys didn't reply to my previous authors not so idk what to do with this got over 800 reads so I'm pretty happy about that & I just discovered a video of Zayn's you and I high note backwards. so yeah im in a goodish mood but PLS comment guysss thanks

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