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a/n Harry's face oh god. this has nothing to do w/ the chapter but i couldn't help it lol happy reading dudes & dudettes thanks for so many reads bye love you💜

We walked out of the school building and a sudden pang of realization hit me.

I didn't want him to see where I was living because it wasn't even my house. He would start asking questions, maybe. Or in a good situation, he would just leave and pretend he never met me.

I decided I would just walk past the shelter and when Harry left, I would walk back.

"Talk. Why'd you move here?" He was clearly ahead of me, asking the question that I had dreaded the most.

"My mom had to switch jobs."

"I like you," he smiled down at me and i internally rolled my eyes. What did he mean by that? Did he like me? Or did he like me? Of course he didn't actually like like me. We just met, he knew nothing about me and why would he? Let's be real here.

I just laughed. "What, why?" He stopped in his tracks and I looked at him confused. His eyes widened as if he had just realized something.

"I...I like your laugh." He said monotone, I could tell something a lot bigger was on his mind but he didn't say anything.

"I like you because you remind me of someone." He mumbled, kicking a pebble out of the way.

"What? I was thinking the same thing about you." Weird.

"What's your favorite movie?" he asked out of the blue. This was starting to get weird but I decided to just answer.

"Milan. It's a Disney Channel movie." I laughed softly.

"Yeah, I know. Used to watch it all the time with my best friend." He smiled at me. "She was obsessed with the film," he explained.

I nodded slowly and I felt so frustrated right now. I knew that I knew him but I just couldn't figure out from where. I was getting an idea but if it was true, I don't know what I would do. I also used to watch Milan with my best friend. Who was a guy. With brown hair and emerald green eyes. It couldn't be.

"Where'd you move from?" he asked me and I could tell he was also trying to get to the bottom of this.

"Arizona," I murmured. I knew as soon as I said that he would figure it out. I could easily deny it and he could walk away in embarrassment, apologizing to me for 'thinking I was someone else,' and everyone would be happier. We both despised one another so it wouldn't really matter anyway. After this, we would part separate ways and never speak again.

"It's you." He stopped in his tracks once again. "Shiloh Brooks. Shiloh it's me, Harry. Harry Styles."

I knew we hated each other but I missed him so much to be honest. I actually didn't hate him. He hated me. I just had to hate him since he hated me. If that makes any sense.

I threw my arms around his neck and he grabbed my waist tightly. I didn't want to let go. I had found someone familiar in California, someone that I thought I would never see again. But then everything started flooding back to me. I remembered the middle school dance, the name calling, the bullying, the tormenting. Every single bit of memory I had of him came flooding back to me and it didn't feel good one bit.

I pulled away quickly and Harry's face was red. He was also probably emotional from all of this but why? Why did he care that I was back? He should of resented me and probably even made my life a living hell like he did all those years back.

"Shiloh, I know exactly what you're thinking. Let me explain." He pleaded.

"No, I think I know what happened. You grew up." I said harshly and started to walk away. He grabbed my wrist and spun me around.

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