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Harry carried me on his back (not his shoulders considering the last incident) through the mall as we were walking towards the food court.

“Can we still shop after we eat?” Devin asked, resting his head on Julie’s shoulder.

“Dev, you practically bought the whole of PacSun.” I rolled my eyes. “And I’m tired. Hence why Harry’s carrying me.” I smiled at him and then heard Julie whisper something and Devin laughed.

“What was that?” I asked.

“Nothing,” she said with a smile still evident on her face.

“Shiloh? Is that you?” I froze in place as I heard Brandon’s voice calling for me. He clearly took this opportunity to talk to me since I was with my friends and they didn’t even know Brandon. Except Harry did and he wasn’t afraid to throw a punch.

“Hi,” I said with a death grip on Harry’s shirt. I didn’t want to cause a scene in the middle of the mall so I decided to just keep still.

“Are these your friends? Hi, I’m Shiloh’s boyfriend,” he introduced himself to them. They shook his hand I stood there in awe. How could he call me his girlfriend after everything he’s done? And how could he persuade people so easily into thinking he was innocent even though he was far from that.

“You guys aren’t dating Brandon. Quit the fucking act,” Harry said sternly. He set me down on the ground and I suddenly got worried that he was ready to punch him.

“Well, I mean, we’re not exclusive. But we’re getting there. See you babe.” He leaned down to kiss my cheek and I backed away abruptly but it was too late. I winced as he planted a kiss on my cheek and walked away.

Devin grabbed the back of his shirt and spun him around. “Touch her again. Just try it,” he challenged through gritted teeth. Brandon smirked and ripped away from Devin’s grip and walked away. Devin’s chest was heaving up and down in anger.

“What the hell was that?” Devin asked in astonishment. He had no idea what was going on but he still felt the need to beat up anyone suspicious that even looked in my direction.

“Was that…?” Julie mouthed to me and I nodded.

“Nothing. It was nothing,” I said and continued to walk away quickly, trying to get as far away from Brandon as possible. My friends soon followed me to the food court and had a seat where I was seated.

“Shi, you can’t just act like that and tell me it’s nothing,” Devin said.

God. I said it’s nothing. Can you just drop it?” I muttered. It was silent for a while until Harry finally decided to speak up and I wish he hadn’t.

“Have you guys had your homecoming yet?” Harry asked.

“No, it’s coming up Friday,” Julie said. Devin was still silent, thinking intently about something.

“Same for us.” Harry nodded.

“Who are you going with?” Julie pursed her lips to prevent herself from smiling. She glanced at me for half a second and I glanced down and pretended I was doing something on my phone. I then turned to Harry who still hadn’t replied. His face was burning red.

“I don’t know. I don’t have to go with anyone. I’m not really interested in going with anyone unless it was just as friends,” he replied.

“Oh,” is all Julie said and my cheeks were also turning a slight shade of pink.

“Just ask Shiloh already.” Devin groaned, finally speaking up but I wish he hadn’t. I really don’t think Harry’s face could have gotten any redder as well as mine. Julie placed her hand on her mouth trying to stifle her laughs. “God,” Devin muttered, shaking his head.

“I--,” Harry began. “Let’s go get something to eat,” Devin said to Julie. They got up quickly, leaving us there alone. The silence was awkward and I was definitely going to kill Julie or Devin later. Or both. It’s like they always team up to set me up for all things embarrassing.

“Are you even going?” Harry finally asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe. Probably?” I said. I knew I was going I just didn’t want to this situation to become any more awkward than it already was.

“We could go together. I mean, if you want to. It was Devin’s suggestion. I’m just taking up his suggestion so it would be as just friends,” he ranted.

“Uh, yeah. If you want to. Just friends,” I repeated. This situation literally could not get anymore awkward. If we were going as “just friends” then what was the point of even going "together?"

“Yeah, sure. Okay.” He exhaled deeply.

Jevin came back with about five bags of things from Chick-fil-a. Devin was carrying an Oreo milkshake with two straws in it and two bags. Julie was carrying the rest of the bags.

“Milkshake time,” Devin sang as he had a seat and started dancing in his chair as he took a sip from one of the two straws.

Julie rolled her eyes and snatched the cup from him. “You said you would share. And you haven’t even eaten your main meal yet. I don’t want you to be full after you’ve had your ice cream. Eat your chicken sandwich first,” She said sternly.

“Okay mom,” Devin said sarcastically as he took a bite from his sandwich and Julie smiled triumphantly.

“So are you two going together or what?” Devin asked with a mouthful of chicken.

“Yes,” Harry said and rolled his eyes as he dipped his chicken nugget into some yellow sauce.

“Really?” Julie squealed. “I so shipped it. Sharry for life!” she squealed once again.

“What about Hi-loh? Their relationship may have some highs and lows but they’ll always love each other,” Devin said dreamily.

“You’re so lame.” Julie laughed as she stuck her tongue out at him.

“You’re lamer.” He stuck his tongue out back at her but his tongue was covered in chewed up chicken bits.

Gross.” She scrunched her nose in disgust at the sight.

“What are you guys talking about? We’re not even dating,” I said.

“Yeah but you will be,” Julie pointed out and I could see that Harry’s face was turning a deep shade of red which I found cute despite the fact my face was reddening also.

“Grow up.” I rolled my eyes at them.

“No seriously I’ll go ahead and bet on it.” Devin piped up.

“Whatever.” I shook my head because it was no use. Harry and I just chose to ignore them.



“You really wanna know?” Harry asked me for the millionth time and I nodded, sighing.

“Here.” He handed me a piece of paper with the address on it. “Shiloh’s going to be so pissed.” He sighed.

“Not if she doesn’t find out. Thanks man,” I said and he shook his head slowly as I closed the door. I pulled the black hoodie over my head and tried not to get lost in this unfamiliar neighborhood, in the pitch black dark. I walked for a few minutes until I finally reached the house. Finally, I was going to finish what I started. 

A/N: i kinda feel like ranting again about a greasy potato aka naughty boy but i'll save that for the next chapter bc i want to go eat peace out btw i apologize for any typos bc this is unedited i just think you guys deserved an update so here ya go

broken// h.sDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora