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a/n update for you guys bc i got lots of reads + votes & you guys are the best! keep it up ❤️ ugh no picture couldn't find one sorry :((

It had already been two weeks and my mom was searching frantically for a school to send us to. Me and Ella were in no rush, though. She finally found one and we started today.

I heard a faint knock on my door. It was the middle of the night. Couldn't I get a few more hours in before I was forced to go to school, aka prison.

I trudged over to the door and opened it. I found a girl about my age, fully dressed.

"Mrs. Rita told me to wake you up. Get ready for school you only have like, 20 minutes." She stated bluntly.

How long was I asleep for? And I thought I set my alarm clock. I rushed over to the closet, thankful that I had taken a shower last night and I didn't bother taking one today. I threw on a pair of black jeans that were ripped at the knee, a black and white striped shirt and my black slip on vans.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth quickly, careful not to wake up my mom who had another hour as well as Ella who was only in middle school. I let my medium length hair fall into its natural waves and put on light makeup.

When I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs, a few girls were on their phones in the lounge or eating breakfast. I decided to have a light breakfast and headed out the front door, hoping that no one from the outside world saw me.

It was still a bit dark outside which got me a bit worried but I pushed away those thoughts from my head and tried to follow the directions that my mom had given me.

I finally made it to school and I must have been a little early because students were still roaming the halls. I went to the office for information and tried to find my locker. When I found it, I was relieved.

I stuffed all of the books I got in there and made my way to homeroom. I had a seat alone in the back, careful about not being seen. I had a theory this year. Don't get noticed. If I don't, no one will find a reason to bother me. Sure, I wouldn't have friends but who cares. These people were only my friends because I saw them five times a week.

I sat uncomfortably, slightly bothered that no one had come to sit with me. I tried sitting in a way that made it seem like I wasn't bothered by the fact that I was alone. I stretched my feet out in front of me and crossed my feet over one another. But that didn't help. I was still sitting there awkwardly.

I decided to just pull my journal out and write in it. I did this thing where I would go around places and write down something I hear or see that sounds or looks interesting. Like conversations or something. I use them for future writing prompts or something.

I relax a bit, imagining what it would be like when I'm finally out of high school. The universe will do its magic and I will be confident and unstoppable. Floating up in a pink bubble, waiting for the universe to make it happen.


"Slushy girl?" I heard a familiar voice chuckle while I was at my locker, getting ready to get to lunch.

Damn it. Didn't these people know to just leave me alone?

"Oh hey..." I paused, I didn't know his name.

"Niall." He finished for me and I nodded.

"Shiloh." I continued to get books out of my locker, avoiding eye contact, hoping that he would go away.

"Are you new here or something? If you want, you can sit with--" I cut him off.

"No, no thanks." I sighed and he shrugged. I didn't really need the pity. Just because I'm new doesn't mean I can't find my own friends. I just choose not too.

I went into the library and had a seat farthest away from the door. I sat down and began to eat my lunch that I had packed earlier. I was sitting there, absentmindedly, glad that I had not been bothered by anyone.

The bell for lunch rang and I secretly applauded myself for making it this far in the day without having any proper human contact. I know this all makes me sound weird but I just wasn't in the mood for making friends with some snobby Californian kid. I have to hand it to my mom, this was one of the top schools. But then again, that's what I was trying to avoid. Everything is the same here. Same fake girls who backstab each other, same boys who are players, same clothes, same hairstyle. Everything is consistent and I hate it.

I had a seat in the back again, considering that was the only unoccupied seat. Class hadn't started yet and two people walked into the classroom, giggling. I turned to see a tall boy with brown curly hair that might've been longer than mine or maybe I was exaggerating. He was walking with a girl with short black hair and teal streaks and she just rolled her eyes at him and sat next to me and the boy sat on the other side of me so that I was in the middle.

"It's not stupid. You're stupid," the boy said.

"Shut up Harry," the girl groaned but I could still hear the amusement in her voice.

"Shut up Harry." He mocked her while laughing, causing the girl to roll her eyes as she turned to me.

"Wait, are you new?" Great. I nodded.

"Welcome." She smiled. "Carter, by the way. My friend over there with the stupid comments is Harry."

"Shiloh." I smiled weakly.

Class had finally started and in the beginning, Harry and Carter were passing notes back and forth through me until Carter got tired of it.

Harry was now staring at me intently and I turned to face him for a split second. I finally got a good look at him. He was smirking so I noticed the dimples that were prominent in his cheeks. He had emerald green eyes that were sparkling under the fluorescent lights. His dark wavy hair was tucked behind his ear while the other side of it was over his eyes. I guess he was slightly attractive but not my type, really. He seemed full of himself and we hadn't even talked yet.

"You said your name was Shiloh?" He came up to my at my locker after class was over. I nodded.

"That's such a unique name. I love it." He grinned. He was such a flirt I swear I just wanted to kill him slowly and then walk away.

Well, not really.

Of course my face heated up and it didn't help that dropped the millions of books that I was holding which made the situation even better.

"Sorry," I muttered. Some had landed near his feet so I thought they fell on his foot. He bent down to help me pick them up and I thanked him quietly.

"Why do you get so flustered easily?" He laughed as he poked at my bright red cheek.

"What do you mean?"

"Never mind. I find it cute, anyway." Damn you, Harry. I was blushing uncontrollably, literally. If I wanted to stop this humiliation, I would.

Ugh, everything about him seemed so familiar. Those green eyes especially. I couldn't help but feel like he reminded me of someone I knew.

I started to walk away but he caught up with me.

"We could walk together, my house is this way." I really wasn't excited to walk home with him but I took up the offer anyway.

A/N: thanks guys for everything! 300 reads = update? 💓

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