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I woke up Monday morning dreading what would happen at school today. I really wasn't prepared for any of it especially since I didn't even get a chance to talk to Niall or Brandon yesterday. I was too busy moping around and hiding out in my bedroom watching movies on Netflix.

I got up and took s shower and my hair was still straight so I just put it in a half up half down bun. I pulled a black crop top over my head, pulled on my light wash jeans and tied a flannel around my waist. I got on my white converse and made my way out the door.

"Up and early this morning?" Harry said as he took a sip from his coffee cup.

"Mhm." I nodded. "Remember when we were talking about Brandon that one time and you said that if he ever did anything to me, you sarcastically said, you'd be there comforting me. I recall your exact words were, 'stroking my hair gently.' " I laughed bitterly.

"Well, I was. What's your point?"

"Yeah well you said Niall was the one who came and got me. Where were you before that?"

"I was with someone. Why does it matter and why is it any of your business?"

"Because I also recall you saying, 'as much as you'd like to say, 'I told you so,' I won't. Because you also told me that you'd changed."

"And I did."

"Sleeping around with every two-cent whore in the whole damn school isn't 'changing.' Yeah, you were there for me afterwards but you promised, Harry."

"Only you would put the blame on me. Only you. I did nothing wrong. Stop acting like you're my mother while you didn't even take my damn advice and stay away from Brandon! The only two-cent whore at that party was you. Getting drunk and practically throwing yourself all over Brandon, claiming that he'd 'raped' you. Get your head out of your ass." He muttered his last words and I just stood there, gaping at him, not knowing what to say.

"Sorry, I was just--"

"No, no you're right. Except you are the last person I'd expect to judge me like that." I huffed as I walked away trying to get away from him. I expected him to come after me but he never did.

* * *

"Okay, class. Keep working silently on your projects. I need to go pick something up from the copy room." Mr. Barton left the classroom and I shifted around in my seat awkwardly. I had chosen Harry to be my partner a while ago but now I don't think we were actually partners anymore. Carter chose to work alone so I decided not to bother her as I pulled out my things. Harry was supposed to be doing half of the research so he must've had the other papers.

"Hey, I need the research papers you did." I cleared my throat awkwardly and he glanced at me.

"Then what do you expect me to work with?"

"I don't know. We're supposed to be working on this project together."

"Yeah, well I don't think I want to work with you anymore." He turned away from me and continued working.

"We're not in third grade anymore Harry. Can't you just stop acting like a kid and get this thing done?"

"Fine," he sighed, but was interrupted by an uproar of laughter that was coming from the front of the classroom. Brandon caught my eye and I quickly looked away.

 "You guys, we are trying to work. What's so funny?" Harry sighed. One of Brandon's friends made his way up to the computer and plugged his phone in. When it came alive, on the projector was a black screen with a play button. He pressed the play button and I silently gasped when I saw when what came up on the screen. It was a video of my dancing, half naked up on a coffee table. Random guys were groping me and I was just laughing, as if there weren't a care in the world. My face instantly turned a bright shade of red and I rushed out of the classroom.

I was breathing heavily, trying my best to get as far away from that classroom as possible while I heard footsteps padding behind me.

"Carter I--" I began but turned around to meet Harry standing behind me.

"Some moves you got up there, huh?" He said to me.

I scoffed. "If that's what you came up here to talk to me about, you're free to leave."

"It's a free country."

"Harry, please. I want to be alone. Or at least away from you."

"I told you I'd never leave y-"

"You know? I don't think us being friends is such a good idea. Everything happens for a reason. Just like how you left me. But...I'm getting off subject. Ugh." I sunk down and sat against the lockers, burying my face in my hands and running my fingers through my hair. My face was completely red by now and I was trying my best not to completely start bawling in front of Harry.

"I don't know what I did to deserve this," I bit my lip from crying. "Why does he hate me? Why does...I just--" I stopped myself from blabbing on any longer. I couldn't even form a full sentence. I just wanted to go back home in the comfort of my bed and maybe soon after that get far, far away from California. I knew coming here was a mistake.

"He doesn't. It's not your fault." Harry spoke. I forgot he was standing there.

"God, I probably look like a mess right now." My mascara was most likely smeared from me rubbing my face so much and the tears that were forming at the corners of my eyes.

"You look fine. Just go back in there and--"

"I can't. Can you get my things, please?" I pleaded. I was not ready to go back into that classroom and show my face to Brandon and everyone else. I was completely humiliated and I was just dreading who else other then the kids in the classroom who had seen the video. What if everyone had seen it? My life was so over.

After about a minute or so, Harry emerged out of the classroom and into the hallway with my things as well as his.

"I told Mr. Barton that you weren't feeling well." He murmured as he set my things down in front of me.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"So, did you really mean what you said? You know, about not wanting to be friend with me anymore?" He asked. I did feel bad for what I had said but I'm not sure that I regret it.

"I don't know, okay?" I sighed. "It's just that nothing has changed. It seems like you're still the same person and nothing I say or do can change that."

"So what? You're just giving up on me like that?"

"I hadn't even--" The bell rang. "I have to go. Goodbye." I stood up from the floor and made my way to my locker. I think I was just going to find away to leave school early. Maybe get my mom to pick me up or something.

"She was literally all over me." I heard Brandon in the distance, only a few lockers away. "Begging me to take her virginity until that douchebag Niall Horan walks in, practically taking her from me. I mean, who does that?" I rolled my eyes in disgust and continued to retrieve all of my books from my locker.

"So, babe. Sorry about what happened at the party Friday night. Maybe I can make it up to you?" Brandon said as he walked up to me. I may have been drunk or drugged or whatever, but I wasn't clueless.

"How could you Brandon? To think, I thought it would actually work out between us. You're sick."

"We were both drunk that night babe. If you don't remember, you're the one who begged me to...well, you know." He winked.

"I know what happened." I glared at him. "Niall told me and no matter how drunk I was, I would never stoop as low as giving myself up" I looked him up and down in disgust.

"Don't be a bitch about it. You were enjoying it. That video in class really showed how much you were enjoying it, huh? There's more to it. You could've kept watching if you hadn't run out like that." He whispered huskily into my ear. He used him body weight to push me against the locker so that I couldn't go anywhere.

"Brandon," I warned. "Stay away from me."

"Not a chance." He bit at my earlobe before walking away. I was standing there, chest heaving up and down, worrying about what Brandon would do to me.

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