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Katerina's POV

It's been a whole 3 days since I sent Davina away. I can't believe I did something so cruel. I'm sitting in my room, on my bed, reading her diary... It's because of this small object, that means nothing but memories, that we are in this situation... I'm going through all are good memories. The ones like when we played football outside with my father, or when she needed help with her gown, or when we'd steal apples from the garden trees. All beautiful memories. I let a tear fall down my face, as I think of everything horrible I did. I haven't came out of my room since my father told me that me and Kol have to get married. Occasionally I will go out to use the restroom, or eat. But besides that. I stay in my own space, away from the wedding planning, and away from Kol.

Its not that I blame him, it's just. When I see him, it reminds me of how cruel I was. And am, who sends there own sister in the middle of no where, just because she was in love?! You know what, I wanna find her. I'm going to find her. I will bring her back, apologize for everything, talk to father, and instead of me and Kol being wedded, it can be Davina and Kol. I'm sure they won't mind. Yes, it's perfect. I stand up, going to my closet and grabbing a cape. I run to my door, looking both ways, making sure no one's coming. I sneak towards the kitchen, until I here guards marching, and I see "Marcellous?" I mumble. He's in a panic, his eyes glossy, and his men all trying to calm him down. My father comes to him. "Marcellous, what is the meaning of your distress?" He asks him, and Marcel looks at him, "She's gone." He mutters, but I can here him. "Who's gone, what are you talking about?" My father asks again, "Your daughter. My king, I was away doing my duties, and when I got back, she was gone! And there was, blood near trees-" Marcel starts, but I come out of hiding, my own eyes glossy. "D-davina's missing?" I stutter.

"Katerina? What are you doing down here. Go back upstairs-" my father tries to order, but I go towards Marcel. "Marcel, where is my sister. Where is she?!" I snap at him, two guards holding me back. "I'm sorry your majesty, but I don't know. She was in the forest, and now she's just, gone..." He says, a tear falling down his face, but tons of more falling down mine. My father's eyes are glossy as well, "Find my daughter." He mutters, "Sire-" A guard says. "FIND MY DAVINA! OR I WILL KILL YOU ALL!" He snaps, "And let go, of my Katerina!" He says, and the two guards holding me back, let me go. "Father, how do we find her?" I ask him, "Not we. Me. You will still marry Lord Kol Katerina, that doesn't change." He says, and I scoff. "Even with Davina missing, all you care is for this stupid marriege-" I start, but he slaps me. In front of Marcel and his men. "Your sister is missing, and you know she would want what's best for this kingdom! Now go get ready, as the wedding is in 3 days!" He yells in my face, and I run away from him, right back into my room.

I can't believe it. Davina is, missing. And father he, he slapped me-NO! This isn't about me, this is about her. I must find her, rather my father likes it or not. But first. I have to tell Kol.

Kol's POV

I rushed home, back from the village, trying to go back to the castle, before anyone noticed I was gone. I entered the doors, and there standing was my father, and another maiden? Who the bloody hell is she? She had blonde hair past her shoulders, along with hazel eyes. She had a nice corset on, and she kinda looked like my father? "Uh, father?" I ask, approaching them. "Ah yes. My son. How was your journey to the village?" He asks me, "It was usual. Nothing more, nothing less." I say, "That's nice." He smiles, and I frown. He's not mad at me? He's being, nice? "Um, father? Are you ok?" I ask him, "And who is, that?" I point to the maiden. They both glance at one another, and then face me again. "Well Kol, this. This is Freya." He says, "Freya......." I trial, "Mikaelson. Freya Mikaelson." She says, and my eyes widen. "I have more siblings?!" I ask, a little raged. "Son, control yourself."

"What?! Am I the only one who didn't know?!" I ask, even more raged. "Well you see, it's a long story. But, actually, you are the first, to know of your sisters return." My father says, "And how do we know she's my sister?" I ask him. "Kol, I don't expect you to trust me, and I definitely don't expect you to love me right off hand. But, I do ask for your respect. That you treat me with it. Just this, I ask." She says, and I frown. She seems, kind. I can see the Mikaelson flare in her eyes, and having another sister, would it be that bad? I mean, yes Rebekah is annoying, but nothing compared to my brothers. "If, I give you the respect you desire. You must treat me with the same." I say, and she nods, "Of course." She says, and I smile. "Well, I must go show her to her chambers, as King John said you may stay for as long as you like. Unless you want to go see your mother." My father says, "Forgive my mouth, but I do not wish to see that wench anytime soon." Freya says, taking me and my father by surprise. "Well then, Kol. Show your sister her room please. It's by Davina's room, 2 doors down." He says, and I get saddened by just her name. God I miss her...

I know it's been a while since I've updated but, it's here. Also, Freya is here! Davina is missing?! John is terrible, and Katerina is improving. What will come next?

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