Knowing more then I should

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So, the beginning of this story, is before Stefan broke Katherine's heart. This is what happened after Davina got home to the castle.

Davina's POV

I snuck back in throw my window, and quickly put on something new. I couldn't where this dress anymore until it was washed, as that stupid carriage guy, and his hot son got mud on it! I changed into a brick red, gown, and I put my hair half up. I then went into my sisters room, to see how she was doing. As today, was the day she would marry the man she didn't know. I knocked before entering, "Come in!" She yelled, and I went into the room to see her in a dark, greyish gown, with purple underneath. "Davina, hey." She says, and I smile, "Hey. How are you doing today?" I ask her, and she sighs. "Good I suppose. Stefan handled the news quite well." She says with a smile, and I smile, "What does that mean?" I ask her with a smile, she giggles, "You'll know soon enough. Also, what happened to your dress you were wearing earlier?" She asks me.

I huff. "These idiots in a carriage. One older man, and another with his son. They almost ran me over!" I raise my voice a little. Katerina turns, and faces me "Your kidding? They almost ran you over?" She asks, and I nod, "Yep. But I gave them a piece of my mind after words." I say, proud. She smirks, "That's my sister." She says, and we giggle. "Girls!" My father calls. And me and Katherine look at each other. "Ready?" I ask her, "Nope. Are you?" She asks me, and I giggled, "I have nothing to get ready for." I say, and she glares at me. We then start heading towards the throne room.

"Girls. Please take a seat." My father says. And we both sit on opposite sides of him. "May I present, King Mikael, and his 4th son, Lord Kol!" Thierry, the announcer calls out. Me and Katherine have normal face expressions, and when the two walk in, I freeze up. 'You've gotta be kidding me.' I think to myself.

Kol's POV

Before we walked into the castle, my father was screaming at one of the guards for some reason? I wanted to know who that girl was. She was so beautiful, and mouthy. She had guts, and I could tell she was a risk taker. My father breathed and then looked at me. "Listen boy, I don't have time to explain it, but whatever you do, don't bring up the incident with the one girl." He tells me, and I frown. He isn't calling her peasant? I wonder why? "May I present, King Mikael and his 4th son, Lord Kol!" The announcer shouts, and me and my father walk in. There are 4 thrones. But only 3 of them are filled. The middle being King John, and 2 beside him, and I tense up when I realize who one of them are. 'Her?' I think to myself. My father doesn't tense up. Maybe that's why he was telling at that guard. He must have told him who that maiden was. That's why he said don't bring up the carriage thing.

Me and the girl made I contact, but that was soon destroyed by King John. "Lord Kol, King Mikael. May I present my daughter's, Davina Claire." He points to the maiden, "And Katerina Claire." He points to another girl. She's very beautiful, I will admit, but I still don't wanna get married. "Nice to meet you my Lord." Katerina says, and bows to me from her seat, Davina then giggles, but a quite one that only a few noticed. She then cleared her throat. "Lord." She said, and bowed, I smiled at the two, and they both held back giggles for some reason. "Father, since I don't need to be here, may I be excused?" Davina asks her father, and he frowns, "Don't you wish to talk with King Mikael?" He ask her, and she looks at my father. "Maybe another time." She says, and her father nods, "Go ahead." He says, and she leaves the room. "Excuse my daughter, she hasn't been in the best mood today." King John says, and My father nods, "I understand. May we have a drink, let Kol and Katerina get to know each other?" My father asks, and I glare at him. "I don't see why not?" He says, and Katerina and her father make there way towards me.

Katerina's POV

I walk over to Lord Kol. I will say, he is quite handsome. But I'm in love with another, so, I'll play the part for a little. Or, maybe he has another he wishes to see as well? Who knows? "Hello." I say, and he bows in front of me, "Hi." He says, "What were you and you sister giggling about earlier?" He asks me, and I giggle again. "About the incident earlier. With the carriage."  I say, and he chuckles, "Yes, well. She does have a mouth." He says, "That she does. She gets it from my mother." I say, a little sadness in my voice. Then, I get in idea. "Do you think she's pretty?" I ask him, and he nods, "She is beautiful. But as are you." He says, getting lost in his own world in the beginning. Maybe this might work after all. Maybe, Kol will fall for Davina, and Davina will fall for Kol. She did call him hot. That way, I won't have to marry him. "Sorry for the stern question, but. Were you forced to be here?" I ask him, and he chuckles, "Were you ?" He ask me, and I giggled, "I asked first." I say, and he nods, "I'll admit, I didn't want to." He says, "But now you do?" I ask him "Answer my question first." He says, and I nod, "Fine. I, didn't actually want this, no. In fact, my heart belongs with another..." I tell him, straight off the bat. "Oh thank the lords", he says, letting out a sigh of relief, and I frown. "Sorry, that was rude. I didn't, and don't, want to do this marriage either." He says, and I tilt my head, "Do you have someone you love?" I ask him, and he shakes his head, "I don't do love." He tells me, "Oh come on. Everyone does love. It's part of being human." She says, "Yes, well, I don't" He says, and I frown, "That's sad." I simply tell him.

"What will we tell are father's? We can't just go up to them and say, 'She's in love with another, and I want freedom. Thedore, no marriage for us'!" Kol says, and I giggled, "No. We can't. But maybe, something else can happen." I tell him. He smirks, "What do you have in mind?" He asks me, "I can't tell you here. To many ears, just, come to my room with me." I say, and he frowns, "This isn't a trick to get me in bed with you, right? I mean, I don't mind but-" He starts, but I cut him off. "No. I told you, I love someone else. But my room is quite." I say, and he nods. "Father, me and Kol will be in my room if you need us!" I tell him, "But don't need us!" Kol says, and I glare at him. I take his hand, and we run to my room. Making it look like we wanna get to my bed.

Mikael's POV

"Only one day, and there already in the bedroom." John says. "Yes, it is true. Why do you sound surprised?" I ask him, he sighs. "Nothing. My daughter used to be in love with another, but I guess it's tooken care of.." He told me, and I smile, "That's good. This wedding must happen." I say, and he nods. "Would you like to see my hunting gear? It's only the best in New Orleans." John says, and I nod, "Yes, let us go." I say.

Davina's POV

I here giggling coming up the steps, so I peek my head out the door, to see my sister and Kol running into her room. I wonder if there going to-No. She has Stefan. They would never do that. Right? But, just to make sure, I'm going to listen. Hey, it's not a crime to want to know everything. "Ok, we're alone.", Kol says, "Good. Now I can tell you." She says, "Me and my lover are planning to run. I will take Davina with me, and he his brother Damon. We will leave far from here, tonight." She tells him, and I frown. "That way, the wedding can't happen, if they can't find you." Kol says. So the wedding isnt happening? I guess neither of them want it. "Exactly. And you can get your freedom back!" Katherine says, and I smile. "Freedom." I whisper. Not loud enough for them to hear me though. "Perfect." Kol agrees. And I'm so lost in my own world, I don't hear the door open, but when I do, I move from it, and pretend like I was gonna knock. "Oh. I didn't know you two were in here.." I lie, "Yes well, um.." Kol is about to say something, but Katherine pulls me into the room. "Kol she knows about my love. That's all she knows." She gets to hint at the fact I don't know about the runaway plans. But, I do. "Oh. Ok" He says, and he smirks at me. "Katerina! Can you come here please!" My father yells. And Katherine sighs. "You two stay here, I'll be back in a minute." She says, leaving us alone. Together.

"What were you doing out in the village earlier anyway?" Kol asks, smirking the whole time. "I was sneaking out." I simply say. "What?" He asks in disbelief. "Yeah, I know. I'm supposed to be daddy's little girl, but he locks me in my room all day, since I was 12. I started sneaking out about 2 years ago." I tell him, and he nods, "That's how I feel about this marriage. I feel like I'm locked in it. And I have to try and sneak out of it." He tells me, making me giggle, and him chuckle.

Katherine still hasn't returned, and me and Kol were sitting on Katherine's bed, laughing, and talking. "It was a while ago!" I defended, and Kol laughed harder, "That's what they all say." He laughed, and I shook my head. "But, that's was when my mother was alive." I said, and his laughing turned down a notch. "What happened to her anyway?" He asks me, and I put on a sad smile. "She passed. Around the time when I was 11." I told him, and he scooted a bit closer, but I took no mind to it. "If you don't mind me asking, how did she pass?" He asks me, "The plague. It's one of the reasons my father keeps me locked away." I say, and he nods, and I scoot closer this time. It's like my body had a mind of its own. "You know, when I first saw you, I thought you were beautiful." He told me, and glaced down at my lips. "Really?" I ask, and looked down at his, "Hm." He said, and we slowly leaned in until are lips were connected. I don't know why I kissed him. I honestly don't. It's like, everything in my body was pulling me to him. I've kissed people before my first crush, Tim, and this other guy, named Kaleb, but it was nothing like this.

Are lips started to move in sync, but then, the door swung open, and we quickly pulled apart, "I'm back?" Katherine says, a smirk on her face. "Um. What-what did father want?" I ask her, and she smirks again, "He wanted to know if I wanted a big, or small wedding, and I said big, cause, it's not really gonna happen." She giggles, and I stand up. "Anyway, what did I miss while I was gone?" She says, looking at me and Kol. "Nothing." I say, and then she looks at Kol, "We were just talking." He says. "Ah uh. Well, I better get to bed. Davina, will you show Kol is room?" She asks me, and I glare at her, knowing what she's doing. "Sure." I say, and Kol stands up, and follows me to the room.

When we get there, I open the door, and we walk in. "Well uh, I'm gonna get to bed, so..." I start, "Night, Darling." He says, and I smirk, "Night." I say, and leave the room. That was sure an interesting night...

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