Trying and Failing

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Don't hate me. That's all I have to say. Don't hate me.

Davina's POV

It's been a whole day. A day in a cabin, in the middle of the woods. With Marcellous going in, and out all the time. I have been in my bedroom since we arrived. Doing nothing but stare at the ceiling. What else am I to do? I can't write, my brain feels numb. I can't sleep, as my eyes won't stay closed. I don't want to think about anything, and I don't wanna do anything. But maybe, I'll go for a walk? I get dressed into something more comfortable. A shorter dress, but still lady like. I walk down stairs, seeing as Marcel isn't here. I walk outside, going into the forest, where I walk among the trees, and smell the gorgeous flowers. I remember when life was this simple. Not anymore. Now, everything's different. My mind set is damaged. My life, as been dented. And my heart. My heart, is shattered into millions of pieces. I don't cry, as I sit on a tree stump. I think about how life could have been if me, and Kol did run away. I wonder what he's doing. I wonder if he thinks about me. I wonder what Cami is thinking, and I wonder if Josh got the guy. I smile to myself as I think of my friends. I soon finally, fall asleep.

And when I woke up. I wish I never had...

Katerina's POV

I slept that night with a clear mind. One thing I wanted to do, and that was multiple things. First, apologize to Kol, and help him get my sister back. Next, tell father the wedding is off. And finally, get Davina back. I run down the halls, trying to find Kol, and when I do, I call out his name. "Kol!" I say, but he rolls his eyes, and trys to walk away. "Kol, please." I beg, but he doesn't stop walking. "I don't want to talk to you Katerina." He says, and I sigh, "I know you hate me for my pour choices but Kol, I want to fix it." I say, and he scoffs, "Yeah, I bet you do." He says sarcastically. I grab him, making him sigh, and turn around. "I'm serious Kol. I want to fix everything. I want to get Davina back, and call off the wedding." I say, and his eyes widen, "Your serious?" He asks, and I smile and nod, "Yes!" I say, and he chuckles, "Alright then lets do this!" He says, and we hug before we pull away. "Also, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was so awful to you."

"I know. Let's just get are girl back." He says, and I smile again, and nod. We make are way to the throne room, soon arriving and seeing my father. "Father!" I shout, "There's the lovely bride to be." He says, and I smile and look down, as me and Kol approach him. "Right, yes about that-" I start, "Have you gotten a wedding dress? What about the cake-Oh, yes and what about the guests?" He asks, "Father um. I have news. Very, important, news." I start, and his smile, turns into a frown. "What is it?" He asks, "Well uh, you see-I" I start, "Me and Katerina do not wish to marry." Kol says, and I smile at him, as he could see my struggle. "Pardon me?" He asks, "Father. I do not love Kol, nor does he me. We refuse to marry one another." I say, and his face, soon turns to rage. "Katerina do you know what your saying? Just yesterday you were stocked for this marriage, and now you wish to throw it all away?" He asks, "Father, I'm sorry but-" I start, "You are such a disappointment Katerina! You were meant to join are kingdoms with the Lord Kol, and you can't even do that!" He shouts, "Father I-" I start again, "And you! I knew you were immature but this!" He shouts at Kol, "We are only speaking the truth! We do not wish to be wedded-" Kol trys to start, "I don't care what you wish! You two will be wedded or else!" He yells, "Or else what!?" Kol shouts back, "Or else. I'll keep your sister away for good. You will never see her again, ever! And for you." I points at Kol. "I will have you put away for your kingdoms downfall!" He says, and I gasp, and Kol frowns.

"You dare threaten me?!" He shouts, "I do. And there's nothing you, or my so called daughter can do, or say about it! You two will be wedded tomorrow at noon, and you will put up with it!" He shouts, and I feel the tears. I thought I was bad. My father just threaten his own daughter. "You would keep Davina in isolation because I don't want to marry who you choose?! She is your daughter-" I say, "Yet you sold her out like she was nothing but a family friend. A distant one at that. I love my Davina, but she can, and will be punished for your actions, Katerina." He says, and an angry tears falls. "You, are the worst king I have ever, seen." Kol says, leaving, "You, are the most dreadful, father." I say, leaving behind Kol. We both leave into his room.

"What are we going to do?" I say, tears falling. "I don't know. But we have to figure something out, because Katerina, you are a wonderful girl, truly. But-" I start, "Davina owns your heart. I know. Stefan once owned mine..." I finish, and he looks down. "I am sorry for what that wanker did to you." He says, and I giggle. "It just, doesn't make sense. Out of no where, he changes his mind? Why?" I ask, and Kol looks up, "Or maybe, someone changed his mind for him?" He says, and I look at him, "What are you getting at?" I ask him, standing up, as he paces in the room. "Think about it. Someone could have been watching you, and said something to Stefan, to make him change his mind!" He says, "Are you, presuming that Stefan still, loves me?" I ask him, hope in my voice. "There's only one way to find out." "Katerina. Let's go pay a visit to your ex."

Another one. Don't hate me. What happened to Davina? The old Katerina is back, and we missed her. King John sucks! What adventures will Katerina and Kol face? What will happen when they go to see Stefan? Keep reading to find out.

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