Chapter 1: going back

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Harry POV

We sat in our cubicle on the train as I looked out of the window. 

"Harry, are you not excited?" Hermione's voice snapped me back to reality.

"Excited of what? Ging back to the place where thousands died?" I shot back. I didn't want to go back to Hogwarts, it had bad memories. And I was too big of a coward to face them. 

"No," Ron said. "To go back to a place where people love and support you." I groaned.

"Harry, seriously. We are finally getting a year for being free of worry. No Horcruxes, and no random people trying to kill you."  Hermione explained. And it made sense, but I hated the fact that people died because of me.

"I guess you're right, 'Mione," I said and gave her a smile.

"So, I've been meaning to ask you this..." Ron started and I gave him a nod to continue.

"Why did you and Ginny break up?" he asked. I had broken up with Ginny, not because she wasn't beautiful, no. In fact, over the years, she had started looking amazing!  could compare her to a goddess. But, well, it never felt like love. I had mistaken my love for her as a brother as romantic love.

"I guess. I was never into the relationship. Honestly, it felt like I was kissing my own sister," I explained. I had thought Ron ould get angry for breaking her heart, but he was actually overjoyed by the fact that I wasn't fucking his sister. Plus, she wasn't really heartbroken. She actually found out that she was homosexual.

"But, it is quite funny how a girl who dated you ended up not liking boys at all!" Hermione joked and I shot her a glare. She laughed and soon I and Ron were joining her.

We sat there in comfortable silence as Hermione leaned on Ron's shoulder and slept. Ron and Hermione had grown even closer, honestly, I wanted one of them to say the 'hey, I like you as a brother/sister'. But, it seemed like that wasn't going to happen. They only grew closer and the sexual tension was so thick that I felt like it could be cut with a knife.

"Psst, Harry." I looked up and my eyes met Ron's.

"Why are you whispering?" I asked. 

"Shh. I don't wanna wake 'Mione." He said and I nodded in understatement.

"Ok? So, what did you wanna say?" I asked in a low voice.

"Do you think Malfoy is gonna come back?" He asked, and my heart immediately flared. Why was RO even thinking about the bleached blonde?

"Why are you even asking?" I sneered.

"Well, if he does come back. Maybe, we could get back at him for all the things he has done." Ron whispered. And at that, I am sure my eyes twinkled.

"Ron, that is the smartest thing you have ever said," I smirked at the thought of making Malfoy's life living hell.

"Well, thanks." He said and looked over at Hermione to make sure she was still sleeping.

"But, how do we do that?" I asked.

"That, we'll figure------" he was cut off by the person speaking on the speakers.

"We shall arrive at Hogwarts in half an hour." the voice said. Great, back at Hogwarts.

"You should wake 'Mione," I said and got up to get my robes out of my bags. I got my robes and went into the bathrooms. I quickly changed and looked into the mirror. I sighed. I looked good, and I didn't realize how much I'd missed the robes till I put them on. I closed my eyes and indulged in the smell. So comfortable. The robes, the smell just the feel was comfortable. But, I couldn't possibly face Hogwarts. No matter how comforting the robes were, Hogwarts wasn't. So many people died, Fred died. I know it wasn't because of me, I know that. But, I couldn't help but mourn over all the deaths. I actually even felt bad for Goyle. (A/N: I don't know which one died so, I put the first name that popped in my head)

I let out a breath that I didn't even know that I was holding in and got out of the stall. 

I went back to the cubicle to see Hermione and Ron cuddled up and in the uniforms. "Hey, so? Ready for another year?" Hermione asked. I shrugged and Ron was too busy looking at Hermione to care what she said.

I smiled at my friends., The friends that I could count on, the friends that wouldn't leave my side.


Hey guys! I hope you liked the start! 

But, I wanted a little help.

I was wondering if the cover is good? I mean, of course the fanart is BOOTIFUL. But, the book is sad-ish? Can you just comment down below to tell me? 


Broken love (Drarry/Harco)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя