The Story of Vampires

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It was a week after the incident with the troll and everyone gossiped about what happened to the Troll. Some said Hadrian used dark magic to destroy it. Others said his Familiar killed it to which many scoffed at the notion of a small lizard killing a full grown troll.

It mattered little to Hadrian.

It was currently a free period for Hadrian so he opted to walk around the school courtyard with Venom by his side. A burning cigarette in his mouth. It was a particularly cloudy day which was a benefit for the young King.

Venom stuck his tongue out occasionally to smell and sense those around him.  "How was the troll?" Hadrian asked his Familiar to which he spoke in his head "It was positively delicious. I thank you for the kind gift, My Lord."

Hadrian smirked as he took the cigarette out and released a smoke-filled breath "Good, that should hold you over for a while."

Hadrian made his way outside to see a girl with Asian features and black hair talking to a girl with Indian features and black hair. Cho Chang and Padma Patil, the twin sister of Parvarti Patil, whom was in Gryffindor while her twin was in Ravenclaw.

He gave a small smile at the two as he remembered when he first met them.


It was about a month after Hadrian was sorted and it was equally entertaining and boring at Hogwarts. Right now, it was lunch time for everyone.

He received letters from a lot of people in the Wizarding World. Manly politicians that seemed to hate him simply because of his vampire heritage. The most hateful was a letter from Undersecretary Umbridge who seemed to shame him and threaten him with expulsion and to be hunted down like a dog.

Suffice to say, to the Wizarding World, he was not welcome.

Hadrian's expression was calming rage as he scanned the letter. His sharp nails protruding through the paper as he gripped it. His eyes burned blood red before taking a deep breath. "Don't get mad... Get sadistic." He muttered to himself, not caring if anyone at his table heard.

Malfoy asked with a shaky voice "Hadrian, are you alright?"

Before he could answer, Daphne released a gasp. The two boys looked at her to find her looking wide eyed at the Daily Prophet. Hadrian asked with a calm voice "What is it?"

Daphne looked at him with uncertainty before handing the King the newspaper. He took it and began reading it.


By Rita Skeeter

It's over a decade when He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was defeated by Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived. We always wondered where our beloved savior went to or lived for the last 10 years!

We were told he was living in the Potter Manor, training to be invited to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Books were made of his adventures in the last 5 years including his wrestle with a Mountain Troll. His rule as the Mer-King in Atlantis!

For so long, everyone, including yours truly, wished to see the Boy-Who-Lived but no one could get to him.

Until now.

Yes, dear readers! Harry Potter, The Boy-Who-Lived has arrived at Hogwarts! And he is a vampire!

Harry Potter has been stated as calling himself Hadrian Dracula Tepes. The Dracula from the famous stories of the King of Vampires.

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