Dracul's Control

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The Great Hall was lively with chatter from the children. They all ate like kings, or more specifically Ronald did. Which garnered some disgusted looks from his new classmates.

Hadrian simply scratched the top of Venom's head as he dug and tore into a chicken. Hadrian held a golden cup that smelled of pumpkin juice. He suppressed a sneer as he placed it back down. He could feel even more eyes upon him, especially from the older students in Slytherin, all whose parents were known Death Eaters. He could feel their glares but paid no mind to it.

He simply continued smoking his cigarette as he scratched Venom's head. Draco gulped and spoke "Excuse me." Hadrian turned his eyes to Draco beside him as he bowed his head slightly "I... Wanted to apologize for my behavior before." Hadrian hummed before putting out his cigarette and making it disappear in his hand before turning his head to look at him properly "I accept your apology."

Draco held his hand out to him "I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. You'll find that some wizarding families are better than others. You wouldn't want to go messing with the wrong sort." Draco nudged has head to Ron, which Hadrian had to admit he had a point. "Perhaps I can help you there." Hadrian contemplated this proposal and supposed he could benefit from having some allies. He let a little smirk form as he took Draco's hand "I graciously accept."

He couldn't help but see Daphne give him a smirk as she watched them become acquainted. They let go of each other's hand and Draco introduced Hadrian to his cronies Crabbe and Goyle. "They'll be nothing but little worker ants." He thought. Hadrian turned his head to look at Daphne who stared into his blood red eyes with green eyes.

He bowed his head "Hadrian Tepes of House Tepes, at your service Draga Mea." He took her hand into his and placed his lips on her knuckle, eliciting a tiny blush from her. "Daphne Greengrass of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Greengrass."

Hadrian smiled "A pleasure to be acquainted, Lady Greengrass. This is Venom." He placed a hand on his Familiar's back and Venom stared at Daphne with his red eyes before lowering his head in respect, eliciting a surprised expression from Daphne. Hadrian chuckled "I think you'll find Venom to be quite different than any animal you've heard about."

Daphne looked at him "I was in the stairway when you talked about how dangerous he is. Why bring him here if he's that dangerous amongst students?"

Hadrian had a smirk as he answered with his fingers interlaced together and his elbows on the table. "It's quite simple. Venom is no ordinary pet. He's my Familiar." Those who listened in were shocked. Familiars were rare, especially in the Wizarding World. To find a creature that would follow you, to understand and fight along side you was rare. Very rare. "Because he's my Familiar, he obeys my commands. I could tell him to attack Ron and he'll do that. As long as he does not give me a reason to unleash Venom, he is safe. Another reason is because he's been cooped up in our home for too long. I figured it was time for him to get a breath of fresh air and enjoy the world around him."

Daphne looked at Venom for a bit before looking back at Hadrian and nodded. The noise of students talking suddenly died down as the Headmaster stood up from his chair "Before we Tucker in for tonight, I'd like to make some announcements. For the first years please note that the third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds for dangerous reasons and for those who do not wish to die a most painful death. Also please note that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Now I have some last few words."

All the first years, except for the older students and Hadrian leaned in a bit to hear these words. Dumbledore said with a delightful expression "Blubber! Nitwit! Oddmeant! Tweak!" Some of the older students chuckled while everyone else was a bit confused.

The prefects of the house stood up and directed their students to their respective common rooms. The Slytherin common room was located in the Dungeon right under the Black Lake where they could see the water.

Hadrian looked around when an arrogant voice called him out "Well well well. Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived. Killer of the Dark Lord surrounded by the very house his enemy stayed in." The room was quiet as Hadrian turned his head to look at a man with short black hair and a few crooked teeth. Marcus Flint, the Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team. Hadrian frowned "What did you call me?"

Flint blinked before answering "I called you the Killer of the Dark Lord." Hadrian growled "Not that, you idiotic maggot. The other name." Flint glared at being called a maggot "What did you-"

"What. Did. You. Call. Me?" Hadrian asked really slowly, each word becoming laced with more and more venom. Flint could feel his anger die quickly and instead, it was replaced with fear as he stammered "H-Harry Potter?" Hadrian snapped his fingers (And everyone turned to dust.... HA! April Fools!)

Suddenly, Flint found himself on his back with Venom climbing onto his chest and a bit of saliva hung from his chin as his claws dug into his chest. Hadrian walked up to Flint and gripped his face roughly, making him stare into Hadrian's glowing orbs of blood "I am not Harry Potter. I am Hadrian Dracula Tepes! Heir to the Family of Dracul! The King of all Vampires! I want to hear you beg for forgiveness. Or else I'll have Venom here tear open and eat you from the inside!"

Flint screamed in fear with tears in his eyes "Forgive me! Forgive me Lord! Please don't kill me!" Hadrian stared into his eyes before letting go, prompting Venom to get off as well. Harry addressed everyone "I will say this only once. Call me Harry Potter, even by accident, and you'll find yourself at the end of my Familiar's teeth! Am I understood?"

Nobody answered as they were too frozen in fear to answer. Hadrian growled and shouted "AM I UNDERSTOOD!?" This snapped everyone out of their fear as they said in unison "UNDERSTOOD, YOUR MAJESTY!"

Hadrian gazed at everyone that surrounded him, seeing them flinch at his gaze. He pulled out another cigarette and placed it in his mouth before scraping his sharp fingernails together, creating sparks to light it up. The sound of burning paper and a breath released was all that was heard as Hadrian walked off to his room with Venom in tow.

Draco looked at Daphne who looked back at him, both with shaking fear "I suppose, we should keep clear of his anger." Draco said to which Daphne nodded and looked at Marcus Flint who was whimpering on the floor "I've heard stories of Dracula's anger. What he threatened him with, it's nothing compared to his past treatment of his enemies."

All the Slytherin in the room looked at where Hadrian walked off towards and wondered if having him in Hogwarts was a good idea.

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