Meeting of the Cabal of Dark Divinity

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That night, Hadrian sat down at a chair in front of a round black onyx table. There were five vampires and a man that sat around as well.

The first vampire was tall middle-aged man with a slim build and slightly tanned skin. He has short black and gray hair as well as a thick mustache and eyebrows, and green eyes. He wears a grey overcoat with yellow linings, a yellow dress shirt, and a black necktie. His pants are the same color as his overcoat. His yellow-buttoned undercoat and fingerless gloves match his cordovan shoes, under which he wears yellow socks. This was Arthur Watts, scientist and spy for Hadrian in Britain. (For you RWBY fans. He's one of my favorite villains)

The second vampire was a female with pale skin with a rather curvaceous body. She had raven black curly hair with yellow eyes like the moon on a specific cycle. She wore ruby red lipstick and black eyeliner. Her dress was blood red with a black corset. Under her dress were a pair of black stilettos. This was the infamous Countess Elizabeth Báthory of Hungary. Serial killer of virgin women and bathed in their blood.

The third vampire was also female. She had a slim body covered by a black silk button up shirt, with a red vest. She wore black dress pants and black leather boots. She had blood red hair and eyes, though the most noticeable feature were the bat ears where her normal ears would be. This was Skarlett. Spy for Hadrian in France.

The fourth vampire was an African female. She was more slim than the other females. She had black straight hair draped all the way to the small of her back. Her eyes shined like emeralds with red wine lipstick. She wore a necklace that draped to her breasts like a bra and a black dress piece around her waist that dropped all the way to her feet. Around her biceps were a band with long silk fabric. This was Queen Akasha. Queen of the Vampire branch in Africa and ally to Hadrian.

The fifth and final vampire stood out from the others for different reasons. Standing at 6' 4", he was a hulking figure with five feet wings to give him a more intimidating look. His skin was wrinkled and leathery. His nose was flat and had ears that resembled a bat more than a man. He had long black dreads that cascaded down to his shoulder blades. His upper body consisted of a black vest that was unbuttoned, showing his chest. He had black shorts that went to his knees. His legs were multi-jointed and had three sharp talons and even a talon on his heels. Noticeably, on his back were two skulls that were held up by their spines. This was Bane, Chieftan of the Nosferatu clan in the United States. Another ally to Hadrian that respected him as a fellow warrior.

The man that sat next to Hadrian was a shorter than the others with silver hair that spiked down to his neck. His eyes were purple like Lavender. He had white skin with an unbuttoned purple vest on, exposing his chest. There were three long scars from his right shoulder across to his left hip. Below the vest, were grey dress pants that were neatly tailored and no shoes, showing his feet. This was Cornell, Alpha of the Werewolves in Romania.

Harry smiled and opened his arms out to his allies gathered to him. "Welcome, my friends. It's so good to see you all again." Everyone bowed their head in respect and agreement as they were also happy to see their master. Hadrian continued "As you know, I have declared war, but we are not ready to launch any attacks. Which is why we will spend a considerable amount of time gathering our allies, creating our weapons, and causing distrust within our enemies."

Doctor Arthur Watts smirked at the final task, as he was rather experienced at planting the seeds of doubt within even the most strong willed of people.

"Because of our tasks, we will discuss what has progressed in my absence. Doctor Watts, please lead us off." Hadrian pointed his hand towards the esteemed Doctor.

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