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Before everyone even knew it, July, August, and September had passed by on a whim.

To Hadrian, it was a blink of an eye. Being immortal also allows time to fly by faster than normal.

Hadrian was at the top of his class with Hermione behind him. He had to admit that she certainly had a talent for knowledge. However socially, she could be seen as snobbish and wanting to push the rules onto everyone else.

This made a few of her peers look at her with distaste and the test with indifference. Hadrian did defend Hermione when he heard Malfoy and a few Slytherin sneer and call her a mudblood. Hadrian immediately called the entire House and placed his foot down at the aspect of blood purity.

Hadrian would punish anyone that uses the term or look down at anyone not pure blooded. It took a while but everyone bowed and complied with Hadrian's commands. Daphne and Malfoy were usually seen at his side, not as his servants, instead as... Friends. Hadrian admitted that he never had friends before. His three wives were more motherly to him but he knew that when he got older, they would become more intimate with him.

Regardless, Daphne and Malfoy were his equals. Malfoy in power as he was also behind Hadrian in terms of magic. Daphne was Hadrian's equal in terms of knowledge. Whether it be book knowledge or knowledge of the magical families. He could very well see turning them into vampires in the future.

As for Ronald Weasley? He's become a glutton during feasts and constantly but heads with Malfoy due to their family's rivalry. As for Hadrian? Ron looked at Hadrian with hostility as if he no longer sees him as the famed Boy Who Lived. Instead, he saw Hadrian as the next Dark Lord that never failed to amuse the Vampire King.

It was Halloween which was Hadrian's favorite holiday for obvious reasons. After a successful display of wordless magic at the amazement of Professor Flitwick, Hadrian was walking down the hallway towards the Great Hall with Venom by his side when his vampiric hearing picked up the soft sounds of crying.

Hadrian and Venom decided to walk towards the source of the crying only to find it coming from the girl's bathroom. He entered the bathroom and saw Hermione crying on the stone floor. Hadrian stepped forward to which Hermione looked up and gasped in a scandalous way about a boy being in the girl's bathroom.

Hadrian knelt down in front of her "What's wrong, Hermione? What brought you here to cry?"

Hermione wiped her tears away and shook her head "It's nothing. It's silly." Hadrian gently palmed her cheek, making her shiver and flinch slightly from how cold his hand was. Almost like death. He made her look at him "Tell me what happened?"

Hermione blinked and blushed slightly before answering "It was Weasley. I tried showing him how to conjure the Leviosa charm... But he called me a know-it-all with no friends behind my back. No one looks at me with respect... Everyone thinks I'm insufferable."

Venom crawled towards her and nuzzled her hand. Hermione looked at him with fear but Hadrian placed a hand on her shoulder "Do not fear, he wishes to show you comfort. Go ahead and pet him."

Hermione looked at Hadrian whom nodded so Hermione brought her shaking hand to the top of Venom's head  before brushing her hand against his black and red scales. Venom's eyes closed in satisfaction. Hermione's fear etched away and she smiled as she continued petting the Vampiric Familiar.

This all came to a halt when thundering booms were heard coming towards them. They all looked towards the door to see a disgusting hulking creature with blue skin. His tree trunk-like feet thundered with each step. Behind the behemoth, it dragged a large wooden club.

Hermione began to back up in fear while looking with wide eyes "Wha-What is that!?" Hadrian stood up and put his hands behind his back and spoke calmly. "A Mountain Troll. Someone must have let it in."

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