Dracula and the Council

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Dusk approached and the sun kissed castle was slowly losing light. Once the sun had disappeared among the horizon, Hadrian rose up from his coffin.

He certainly missed sleeping in his coffin, as he was not allowed to bring it with him to school. Now the silky sheets in his dormitory were fine, but it was not his favorite. It was not the warm and closing feeling he got when the door was closed.

Hadrian trekked through the halls of his castle, passing by his monstrous minions that have stopped to bow to him. He made it to a specific room that housed millions of CDs and Vinyl records. His Music Room was one of his favorite places to go when he was either bored, needed to calm down, or simply wanted to enjoy some music. He noticed a record that was wrapped up so he tore it open to reveal Pantera's newest album, Vulgar Display of Power.

One of Hadrian's pass times was to listen to Muggle music. One thing he had to give them credit for was their amazing intellectual use of instruments and lyrics to create music. Pantera, Megadeth, and Metallica were certainly some of his favorites to listen to.

Putting the vinyl record into his phonograph, he began to listen to the groovy guitars, head banging drums and guttural screams of Pantera.

After the album finished off with the beautiful Hollow. Hadrian slid the vinyl record back into its cover and placed it next to its predecessor, Cowboys from Hell. After that lovely little moment of listening to music, Hadrian exited to find his eldest bride, Verona, bow her upper half in front of him.

"What brings you before me, Verona?" Hadrian asked in a neutral tone. The bride in question rose and announced "The Covenant of Shadow has arrived, my Lord."

Hadrian's eyebrow rose "Has it been a month already? Hmm, then let us meet them."

Verona led the young Prince through the castle until arriving at the Council Room. Where all five members were sitting.

"The Master of Castlevania, Hadrian Dracula Tepes." Verona announced to which everyone stood up and bowed slightly. All except for a long black haired man who had the audacity to snarl at the host. Hadrian stared at him and smirked before glancing at Verona "Thank you Verona."

The eldest bride bowed her upper half before walking away. Hadrian made his way to his chair and fished out a cigarette and placed it between his lips before pulling out his newly required lighter and lit up the cigarette before snapping it shut.

"Your Majesty-" Before more could be said, Hadrian stared at the brown haired Vampiress that spoke out of turn. She gulped and lowered her head.

He inhaled a large puff before blowing it out.

"It's come to my attention you've come here, outside of your jurisdiction to speak with me. Is that correct?" Hadrian finally spoke to which the brown haired woman nodded.

"Yes, your majesty. You see-" She was interrupted by the long black haired man growling at the Prince "You've gone too far this time, boy."

Any hope for diplomacy was lost.

Hadrian stared at him with his eyes glowing bright red. "As I recall, I have free reign in my territory. It is you, who is outside of your jurisdiction when it comes to vampire society that has gone far enough."

The black haired man, let's just call him Dave, snarled "When it comes to the Stature of Secrecy, territories and jurisdiction become moot."

The Stature of Secrecy... It was a law known to all folk kind. To hide either in the shadows or amongst the fellow Mundanes.

"And I believe when it comes to the Stature of Secrecy, I hold the law in my territory. You think you can come here and dictate what I do in my territory? Typical Americans... Trying to control what you have no business in glancing at."

A blonde haired woman, Stacy, asked "But to attend a wizarding school? How is that holding the Stature of Secrecy?"

Hadrian inhaled more smoke before puffing it out "To be fair, they sought me out. They should've known what they were getting into when inviting me to their school. It also doesn't help that the Ministry, having made known their ire towards my very presence despite being their savior."

"Oh yes. The Boy-Who-Lived. Harry Potter." Dave said with a mocking smirk before growling could be heard from behind him. He turned around to stare at two extremely large canines with pitch black fur and bone armor. It's eyes were burning red like fire while growling at the Council.

"Like them? I've had a friend of mine create some wonderful monsters for me.  I call them Beowolves. Now what was it you said about me?" Hadrian smirked while his red eyes glared menacingly at Dave who glared back before saying with a strained voice "I mean... Lord Dracula."

Hadrian chuckled before taking another puff of smoke "Now, here's the way this is going to go down. You can either stay and become dog food... Or you go back to whence you came and stay there. Either way, you won't bother me again."

It was silent, with the exception of the growls coming from the Beowolves. Hadrian stared them all down before the brown haired Vampiress, Mera, stood up and bowed her head "We will leave you be, my Lord."

Dave looked at Mera in outrage before a Beowolf barked at him. Making him rethink his decision. He glared at Hadrian before standing up and Verona appeared to escort the trio of Vampires out of his castle.

From behind, Aleera appeared and knelt before Hadrian "What do you bring, Aleera?" He asked to which Aleera stood up and spoke

"Rita Skeeter's quill intentionally writes misleading information to keep her readers in a state of bliss and to slander many victims. She is also an unregistered Animagus. A beetle. That's how she has been able to obtain her secrets."

Hadrian mused over this information before smirking "This can work in our favor. We can make her work for us. Seduce her... Whisper into her ear... Use everything to your advantage to make her yours before I tell you my plan. From this moment on, she is your slave. I trust you to use her properly."

Aleera couldn't help but smile as he put that much trust in her. She bowed her head "I will not fail you, my Lord." She practically skipped out of the room in giddiness while Hadrian chuckled.

It was certainly a good day, until a house elf appeared in front of him on the table "Harry Potter! Such an honor it is!" It bowed its head in respect.

Hadrian growled as his mood was immediately ruined. He grabbed the house elf' pillow case shirt and pulled it closer "Call me that name again and I'll hang you up by your intestines."

The House Elf gulped "Dobby is used to death threats, sir..."

Hadrian smirked "But I will follow through on it. Now tell me what you want."

Dobby gulped "Dobby has come to warn his majesty not to come back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

Hadrian cocked his eyebrow "And why is that?" Dobby shook his head "Dobby can't say! Only that there is a plot to make most terrible things happen!"

Hadrian sighed and let him go "I fear nothing, House Elf. Whatever plot there is, I will face it head on."

Dobby sniffed "Dobby has heard of your greatness and bravery sir, but this is beyond you. Dobby implores that your majesty not return!"

Hadrian growled as he was getting annoyed now "Nothing you say will stop me from returning to Hogwarts, House Elf. Now leave me be."

Dobby shook his ears, his ears flapping around. "Not until your majesty says that he won't go back to school."

Hadrian glared at Dobby before a Beowolf growled at him as well. Its canines wet with saliva. Ready to feast. "Unless you wish to become food, leave me be and never speak to me again."

Dobby didn't want to risk it so he snapped his fingers and disappeared into smoke.

Hadrian glared at the spot where Dobby stood and tossed the unfinished cigarette away. He stood and at that exact moment, a bunch of letters appeared before him. He looked to find it from Draco, Daphne, Hermione, Cho, and Padma. He smiled slightly as he began reading through the letters.

If what Dobby said was true, then perhaps this next year will be more interesting than first year.

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