Epilogue of Year One

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"The Philosopher Stone? You're serious?"

It was the next day during morning hours in the Great Hall when Hadrian reported his findings to Draco and Daphne. It was lively within the hall, as in no one was staring at Hadrian, but if they did he did not care. Venom sat on the stool, enjoying a small breakfast steak while Draco and Daphne listened to his story.

He spoke about the lackluster trials and the surprise that was Quirrel's body being taken over by Lord Voldemort. They both shuddered at the use of his name but Hadrian reminded them. 'Fear the name only increases fear of the thing itself.'

Hadrian chuckled at Draco's exclaim "Indeed. A powerful object such as the Philosopher's Stone should not be taken lightly."

"It seems Dumbledore did just that." Daphne said with her hands hovering over her lips.

Draco frowned "But wait. You said it was a fake. Where is the real one?"

Hadrian gave his usual sadistic grin and opened his mouth before the cool voice of Snape's spoke behind Hadrain "Mr. Tepes. You are requested to visit the Headmaster's office."

The two looked up at their Head of House before Hadrian stood up from his spot. He looked at Venom "Stay here."

Venom gave a quick response in acknowledgement before Hadrian started following Professor Snape.

No doubt Dumbledore wanted to speak to Hadrian about the mirror and the encounter with Quirrel. Luckily, Hadrian knew what to do.


"So tell me Hadrian, what implored you to break school rules and go into the forbidden corridor?"

Professor Dumbledore asked as he stared down the Prince who sat down with his leg over his other leg and interlocked his fingers together.

The office was silent, even Fawkes, Dumbledore's Phoenix wasn't singing. To the left of the Headmaster, stood Professor McGonogall staring at Hadrian like a hawk.

Professor Snape stood on the right side of Dumbledore, waiting for Hadrian's answer.

Hadrian finally answered "You see, Professor, I was on my way to the dungeon when I saw Professor Quirrel mysteriously enter the corridor. Now being a curious child as I am, I sought to investigate it."

McGonogall perked her eyebrow at him "Why did you not seek out a teacher?"

Hadrian titled his head "By the time I told a teacher, it would've been too late. So I decided to follow Quirrel and watch him. I made it through your traps with ease, though your Chess was very entertaining. By the time I got there, I discovered him standing infront of the mirror. It seems he was after your precious stone."

Dumbledore brow lines crumbled as he was trying to think about why until he looked up at Hadrian. "He was getting the stone for him."

Hadrian smirked "Indeed, however, after the failed attempt at Gringotts, Quirrel's body was taken over. Behind that turban laid Voldemort himself."

The two teachers, except for Dumbledore shuddered at the name. Dumbledore himself frowned "Strange. All my spies say he is in Albania."

Hadrian's eyebrow cocked up. 'If you know where he is, then you should've crushed him when you had the chance.' He thought.

Dumbledore eyed the stone in Hadrian's hand "If you wouldn't mind, my boy, I'd like the stone back please."

Hadrian chuckled "The stone is still down there in the mirror. Now are we finished, Headmaster? I'd like not to be late for class."

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