Something Wicked This Way Comes

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'I take it back. This is an absolute bore.' Hadrian thought in anger. His fangs bared while clenching his fists.

It was Defense Against the Dark Arts with Gilderoy Lockhart which proved to be worse than when Professor Quirrel was the teacher.

"Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class. Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League, and five times winner of Witch Weekly's: Most Charming Smile Award." He said with a smile that would gross any person with common sense. Which was only Hadrian, Draco, Daphne, and Ronald. "But I don't want to talk about that. I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at it." His laugh was awkward and left everyone staring at him awkwardly.

Gilderoy cleared his throat as he spoke. "I see you've all got my books, good. To prove that you've read them, we're going to have a little quiz."

Hadrian cocked an eyebrow at the professor, suddenly feeling like his pride was threatened. Two papers were passed down to each desk with Hadrian looking at the test with Draco. "These questions… They're all about him?" Draco asked in quiet outrage.

"You have thirty minutes. Start!" Gilderoy announced.

"I know I can be prideful, but this is absolutely embarrassing." Hadrian said before smirking as he wrote down the answers.

After the thirty minutes were over, the tests were passed back to Gilderoy who looked them over. When he got to Hadrian's, his skin turned pale as he stared wide eyed at the vampire student. Hadrian had a smirk on his face as his burning red eyes dared the teacher to do something.

Gilderoy cleared his throat and placed it down before they went in with the lesson.


"What was that about?" Daphne asked Hadrian once they sat down at their table in the Great Hall. Venom climbed up onto the bench and began to eat the chicken that appeared on the table.

"What was what?" Hadrian asked with a tiny grin on his face.

"Oh come off it, Hadrian. We saw the way Lockhart looked at you. What was that about?" Draco said, eating a salad.

"Well I'll tell you, I had my brides dig up whatever dirt they could find. What I found was… interesting, to say the least."

"What is it?" Daphne leaned forward in interest.

"Those books published by him are false. Those achievements he prides himself on were from other witches and wizards. From what my brides have discovered, Lockhart learned about them and obliviated the witches and wizards so that they may never call him out on it." Hadrian had a grin on his face.

Both of them were shocked at how they had such a fraud as their teacher.

"How could Professor Dumbledore allow him in this school?" Daphne asked with a whisper.

"It can't be because of costs. Hogwarts can afford many things." Draco shook his head as he grabbed a salad bowl.

"Exactly. He's here for a different reason. Perhaps much like last time, he expects someone else to expose him." Hadrian said as he fished a cigarette out of his coat. He placed it in his mouth before pulling out the lighter and flicking it open. He placed the flame near the cigarette before it lit up. He closed the lighter and placed it back in his coat before taking the cigarette out and blew some smoke out.

"Dumbledore enjoys testing children with things they shouldn't be worried about, doesn't he?" Daphne said with a huff as she began sucking on a blood pop.

"Indeed." Hadrian agreed before inhaling some more smoke.

Owls began pouring into the Great Hall to deliver mail and gifts, when one owl crashed into a plate of chips at the Gryffindor table, in front of Ron Weasley. A lot of the students laughed and the owl got back up before flying away. Seamus Finnegan announced, "Look everyone! Weasley's got himself a Howler!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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