The Beginning of Second Year

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Gilderoy Lockhart

You see that name and it makes you irritated for an apparent reason.

That's what Hadrian felt when he looked at the list of books he would require for the second year.

"Gilderoy Lockhart... If he has done all these great things, then why is it we've never heard of him?" Hadrian asked himself before looking at the time to see it was 12:37 PM. Just in time for him to see Draco and possibly Daphne at Diagon Alley.

He stood up from his onyx throne and called out "Marishka! Attend me."

The curly blond haired vampiress appeared before him and bowed lowly at the waist "How may I be of service, Master?"

"You'll be with me at Diagon Alley." Hadrian glanced at his bride to which she rose up "As you wish."

The two of them disappeared in a puff of black smoke.


Draco Malfoy was looking forward to seeing Hadrian and Daphne again. He walked with his father and mother Luscius and Narcissa Malfoy. They looked around as many of the stores were overcrowded.

Luscius looked at his list of books and couldn't help but scowl "Lockhart... A pitiful man like him should not be in the Defense against the Dark Arts teaching post."

Draco looked at his father on confusion "Why is that, Father?"

Narcissa answered for him "He was pathetic at magic during his time at Hogwarts. Even by Gryffindor standards."

Draco's eyebrows furrowed "Then why was he given a position at Hogwarts?"

"Possibly because some old fool decided to use him as the first option."

Draco turned around to see Hadrian, with a cigarette in hand, walking towards them with a woman with curly blonde hair behind him. Her attire left... Much to be desired. It seemed Arabian in design. It was a two piece dress mainly in white and yellow. Revealing her naval that could hypnotize anyone. Hadrian tossed away his cigarette and looked back at Draco.

"Hello Draco." Hadrian said with a smile as Draco, shook himself out of his stupor and smiled as well before they both shook hands. Hadrian then turned his head to look at his family.

"This must be Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy. I've heard much about you." Hadrian said before bowing his head to which Luscius did as well.

Hadrian turned his head to Narcissa before holding her hand and kissed her knuckles. "And you must be Hadrian Tepes. Draco has told us much about you and your achievements." She said with a rather sultry smile.

"I guarantee you, he has over-exaggerated me." Hadrian smirked to which Draco rolled his eyes "Oh please..."

"Allow me to introduce my bride, Marishka." Hadrian said before she bowed her head to which the family bowed as well.

"Now, I believe we have books to collect." Luscius said before Draco lead them on towards Florish and Blotts.

"I truly hope we aren't acquiring those silly books from him."

"Unfortunately, we may have to. However, I believe we may be able to by the proper second year spells after just for you to properly learn." Narcissa said.

They made it to the book shop to see it packed. Mostly with female middle aged wizards. Narcissa couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Make way now please! Excuse me, madam!" A man with a camera pushed against the crowd, before stepping on Hadrian's Black Mamba skinned boots and dirtying his coat. Hadrian growled and grabbed the collar of the photographer "I believe you have dirtied my clothing. These cost more than your entire salary in a year!"

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