Epilogue/Chapter 5: The Future

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This is gonna be the real final and I have a big announcement after this chapter and once again thank you all for reading my garbage it reached 100 reads before my birthday as I wanted (October 8)
So now sit back relax get your awesome nachos and ENJOY

*2 weeks after the Toffee attack*

Moon's POV*
I'm still in shock on how Marco managed to not only become a butterfly but also killing the most possibly dangerous villain in our history. I'm glad he's with us and I'm glad my daughter decided to love him he will make a great king in the future.

Eclipsa's POV
Wow. Just wow, how did Marco do that, he's only a young teen and already looking like a strong warrior.
"Honey are you good you've been in deep though for more than a minute?"
"Yes honey, I'm ok just thinking about what happened a two weeks ago with Marco and Toffee"
"Yes it was great and he said our kingdom from destruction"
Globgor and Eclipsa continued to talk about random things and discussing the future.
Ever since what happened Mewni has been peaceful with no problems or attacks. Monsters and Mewmans have no built a bigger village and have built peace with one another.
The same can't be said about the underworld though with something happening that no one knows from Mewni.

Tom's POV*
"Hey Janna?"
"Yea wassup?"
"When are we gonna tell Marco and Star we have been keeping out relationship for almost a month now and it would be nice to finally tell them"
"Yea I know but how about in Marco's birthday, it's next week so it be a surprise for him"
Yea I guess your right but I'm glad we're together now your the only one that can match my weirdness"
"Nah I've surpassed you I practice in the dark arts remember?"
"Yea true but you forget your dating a demon"
"Yea that's true but I still love you"
"Love you too"

A couple days later*
Marco's POV
Well Mewni is finally free from all issues. No more stupid Toffee, no more arguments with Mewmans and Monsters, me and Star can finally live our own lives. Heck maybe even go on more dates.
"Hey Marco?"
"Yeah what's up?"
"Dinner is ready you coming or what?"
"Yea but your forgetting something"
"I'm not forgetting anything"
"Yes you are"
Marco then points to his lips signaling Star to give him a kiss which was a passionate but small and quick one.
"Happy now?"
"Yeah now let's go eat"
"Your such a dork"
"Yea but you fell in love with this dork and safe kid"
"Yeah I did love you"
"I love you too Star"

Well that's it for this but I'm not finished with this story. I'm going to try and publish a sequel to this story and try and make it longer. Also I'm planning on posting a new story called "Lingering Baggage" as it's a comic from Instagram and I thought I bring it to this app. Thank you everyone who read this.
And never forget "it's gonna get a little weird, gonna get a little wild, I ant from round here, I'm from another dimension"

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