Dark memories from the past

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It's been two days since they defeated Mina and her warriors. Star and Marco were checking on the mewmans and the kingdom, while Eclipsa was checking on the monster temple. They had been searching all day for issues in the kingdom.

"Well we're gonna head to bed Eclipsa, see you tomorrow" Marco said and Star told Eclipsa. As they were heading to their rooms Eclipsa has some type of feeling they could go through one of the worst memories, and that's exactly what happened.

"Good night Star" Marco says to star giving her a kiss on the cheek making Star blush. As they started to fall asleep they thought they would have a nice little dream, but they got the complete opposite of a good dream. As Star entered her nightmare, Marco was already in his.

"Where am I?"  Marco asked himself.  "Star is  gone". He heard from a familiar voice. "No this can't be real" Marco said in fear as he turns to see the man he hates so much. "Toffee what did you do!" Marco yell at Toffee in anger. "Can't you see I won, you lost your little star shine, and your next!". Star has entered her own nightmare and she sees ludo's old castle. "What the why am I here?" She asked herself as she enters the castle to explore what's going on.

She goes into a room only to see Toffee keeping Marco trapped in a glass box ready to crush him. No no no let him go" Star yells at Toffee not wanting to see Marco crushed. "You think I'm going to listen to you ha! No, I wanna see you suffer as he gets crushed" Toffee yells at Star with a evil grin on his face. "No I defeated you once and I will do it again" Star said while fearing for Marco as it starts to close. While in Marcos nightmare he sees mewni being raided by monsters and he was shaking in fear. As Toffee turns to Marco with anger in his eyes.

"No, she's not gone and I'll defeat you once and for all!". Marco yelled at toffee as his moon cheek marks came out and started to glow. The same happened to star with her hearts and from both their nightmares a bright light of power appeared. Eclipsa and Globgor hear a loud thud. "What was that" they asked each other as they headed to Marcos room with a huge surprise. They both gasped

Marcos cheek marks were showing and they stayed with him.
Macro could possibly use magic now like a butterfly.

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