"Come with us" Jimin got up and took y/n small hand in his then walked to the car. Jinwoo on the other hand confused about whether he should follow him or not.

"I dont take a no for an answer" jimin said opening the door for the kids.

"Guess i have no choice right?"


And the driver drove them off the school. In the car, the ride was silence.But to make it worse,it was awkward silence. Jimin don't know how to start the conversation and y/n just stared out the window for avoiding making eye contact with Jinwoo.

Jinwoo look at the girl sitting on the window side and leaning her body to the car door. Her face was so calm,and her tiny features was just so adorable. But his heart broke into pieces knowing that the girl he love dearly hate him now. He was so into his taught and didn't realize he was staring at her.

"You know staring is rude"

Y/n said sternly. Jinwoo woke up from his taught. He shocked at how y/n talk to him in that kind of tone. She never talk to him like that before. And it make him more heartbroken..

Jimin tried to calm his little princess but knowing how it will end, he stop.

"Im-im sorry"

And the ride go more awkward than before. Jimin can feel the tenses and hoping they will get there soon.

"Sir we're here"

Huh finally....

"Oh yeah, thanks. Let's go now guys"
He opened the door and get off the car. He opened the other side door for the two to get out.

"Oppa why are we here?"

They were at the park. And why would they be at a park?

"Um you will see"

Y/n shrugged off and followed her oppa to a bench and sat down. The awkward silence goes on again but were cut off by jimin phone ringing.He pulled his phone out and look at his phone screen to see who was calling. When he saw who's the caller was,he turned the call of and put in his phone back in his pocket.

"Umm Jinwoo can you please go there to get some drinks. There's stall right in the corner. Can you please go?" Jimin asked him and pointing and the corner he was talking about.

"Um yeah sure"

Jimin passed the money to him and he go to the stall to get drinks Jimin asked him to get for them. Right after he get to the corner near the stall,someone pull him to back of the stall. He was ready to yanked whoever it was but got stopped when he heard they call his name.

"Hey jinwoo. Calm down, it's us"

He looked up and saw all y/n brothers. They all have smiled on their faces." Um hi hyungs" he smile shyly and bowing to them, showing his respect to the older.

"W-what are you guys doing here?"

"We want to help you so y/n wont hate you anymore"Jin knelt down to his level and look him in his eyes.

So that's why Jimin hyung brought us here .....it was their plan.

Jinwoo's lips curve into a sad smile. He put his head lower. He was trying to avoid Jin eyes. His eyes filled with tears when he heard y/n hate him even when he already know about it.

"Is that even possible.."

He said sadly. With y/n look,the way she talk to him,he know he will never get the chance to be back as they were before.

"Jinwoo trust me. She still love you like she always do. But what happened was stopping her to realize she still love you like her oppa. She confused. Trust me Jinwoo,she still love you"

Jinwoo still not believing all of it, but if that what it takes to get y/n not hating him, he'll do it.  Anything. He'll do anything."What can I do?" All of them smile when the boy perked his head up with hopeful smile spreading on his face.

"Just do what you feel right"

"Tell her everything. Trust me she will understand"

"And you might need this"Hoseok got infront him and pulled something out of his pocket. Jinwoo eyes widened when he saw the necklace he gave y/n 4 years ago. Hoseok had the necklace dangling on his finger. He opened his mouth yet nothing come out.

Hoseok smiled. He took Jinwoo's hand and put the necklace on his palm and closing it." That day. I found it on the ground not far away from the bench y/n was on. Take it with you and make her believe in you again"

Jinwoo looked at hoseok in his eyes. His lips slowly turned to a smile. He nodded his head and ready to go back to Jimin and y/n. After cleaning his face,of course. Teahyung gave him the drinks he supposed to buy for them. He walk over with confident. He's ready to do this.

"H-hi im back. Here you go" he acted normal and sat down beside jimin. Jimin was sitting between the two of them. And he can't help but to feel like a wall separating the two with his body. But his phone suddenly vibrate. This time he pick up the call.

"Hello.Yes, what is it? Ah,wait a moment" he act like he was talking with someone else but it just Yoongi calling him to their hiding spot." Im sorry I need to take this call. Wait here okay.Don't go anywhere"with that he leave the two to the corner Jinwoo went before. Where his brothers were.

And there sat two of them in silence. Jinwoo took a deep breath before letting it out. He moved closer to y/n side and softly grabbing her tiny hand.

Y/n flinched on the sudden action. She turned to him to make him let her hand go but stopped...

Jinwoo were looking at her in the eye. Looking at her with a soft look but she can see the sadness in his eye as well.

"Listen y/n...."

(I using big letters for you to read it not because i was mad)

So that's it thank you so much guys for all the reads and votes. I really appreciate each one of it. Thank you.

I love you guys so much😘

Thank you🙏





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