"How's Ink?" Geno asked, looking my up and down, with his one eye.

"still not awake." I looked to see if anyone was listening. "The..uh..the monster that was with him when I was there said that his Hp isn't getting any better."

"oh." Geno sighed, and looked in the opposite direction, I wondered what he was looking at so I followed his eye to find...

Fell yelling at Dream and Blue.

"wait...I though all Underfell's went down?" I said, how was he here if his universe is gone?

"He was in Undertale at the time. He survived it." Geno said.

Fell was screaming and cussing Blue and Dream out while Nighmare scowled at him as he placed a tentacle in front of Dream. Dust was also there and hand his arm out in front of Blue.

"look Fell we're sorry about what happened to your universe. We don't know what's going on." Dream pleaded.

"Yeah, well ya did a damn good job at protecting these universes!" Fell yelled.

"Fell, we're trying are best, but we've never seen anything like this." Blue said, trying to calm him down. Blue took a step forward towards Fell but Dust pushed him away from Fell and behind himself. Fell scowled, "Thanks to you my every single one of my universes is gone! Ya so-called Protectors!"

I was getting really annoyed with Fell's attitude and I could tell Dust and Nightmare were too. "Enough, Fell!" Nightmare yelled, but Fell didn't listen. Losing your universe was hard, and not many people can deal with it, I know Geno couldn't and I also know that Dream had some difficulties, but this was a little much.

"Speaking of which, where the other one of you! That fucking creator! Why hasn't he just fixed this already!" Fell yelled this may have sent me over the edge. I scowled, and Geno looked at me, he could tell I was angry.

"Error calm down." Geno said. I glared at Fell and saw Blue was looking at his feet, and Dream was just shocked by Fell's words. "Fell please...Inks..he" Dream started. Nightmare growled at Fell, "I said enough Fell!"

"yeah, right. I don't give a shit 'bout what you say, Octopus!" Fell yelled, I was tired of this. "So you gonna answer or not! Where's that Creator, 'cause I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one without a universe right now!"

"ENOUGH! Shut yOur daMn MoUth, Fell! You got no clue what's happening! So just be quiet for OnCe!" I yelled, surprising everyone in the room. My glitched voice had even woken up Classic. And I heard him whisper to Candytale!Sans, "what did Fell me do this time?"

I got up from my chair and walked over to Nightmare, Dust, Blue, and Dream, "So you guys gonna start now, or can I go back to where I was?" I didn't have to say where I was they already knew I was with Ink. Dream nodded and began,  " So..umm.I know that you guys have a lot of questions and we don't exactly have answers. But..um..what I'm trying to say is. We don't know what is causing the universes to fall. And we can't even get the universe to the way they were beforehand. They just become an extension of the anti-void."

"So were is Ink, exactly?" UnderSteam! Sans asked, as his robotic-like eyebrow raised some.

"he *hic* well" Blue started. The other sanses looked confused, so I decided to finish for him.

"Ink's at Underhospital." I said, some Sans let out a small gasp or inhale, while others just seemed more intrigued. "Until further notice, he is in a coma. So to answer your question Fell, that's why Ink isn't here." Fell's eyes were wide, I felt a little better knowing that what I had said surprised him. I looked over to see Blue and Dream staring at the floor.

"so how are we gonna stop this thing?" Quantum asked as he stopped spinning.

"We don't know, but if your Universe begins to go down we have an evacuation plan. You'll need to call one of us, " Dream stated pointing at himself then Blue, "Or one of the bad senses, and we'll help. The plan is to get everyone possible into the Omega Timeline, but we definitely need to keep essential characters alive for as long as possible. They might be the clue to getting universes back."

"wait, you said to call you or the bad sans? Why them, wouldn't they be the ones causing this?" Birdtale!Sans asked. The bad senses, the two star's and I exchanged looks, each debating on whether the truce still stood. I obviously did, but this was the moment someone might betray it.

"there's been a truce." I said. each Sanses eyes widened, at my words.

"ok. But how are we gonna get into the Omega Timeline, that place is run by Co-" One Sans began, but got cut off by a snapping noise, and a small kid suddenly sitting in one of the chairs. They had black eyes and was all greyscale.

"Hello." Core!Frisk said. She had appeared right next to Quantum, making him fall out of his chair and hit the ground. "ow" he said.

"i would help you, but I cannot touch you." Core! said, looking down at Quantum, who was slowly getting up. "it's okay."

"Hello, Core." Dream said, politely.

"My name is Frisk." Core! said.

"Right, sorry Frisk. You still up to help us." Dream asked kindly, as a few senses who had never meet Core before stared in shock and the Frisk. I watched as the Babybones! Sans placed his hand through her head, as it fazed right through her.

"Please do not do that. And yes, I will help you get to the Omega Timeline when needed."They said.

"Okay so that's that. If your universe begins to go down call for one of us to help." Dream finished, he looked around noticing that Core was gone. "where did Core go?"

" I'm right here." Core said as she materialized next to Dream and Blue, making them both jump. "oh, Sorry. Someone else called for me. Did you need anything else?" Core said, smiling.

"Nope, sorry about that Core." Blue said as Dust helped him back up.

"My name is Frisk." They said and teleported away. After a few more minutes of discussion the other Sanses teleported away as well. Leaving just a few of us left. I teleported back to Inky then sitting down in the same chair as before, and wrapped my hand around his once more. Waiting for him to wake up.

Okay this one took a while to write, sorry I didn't, make Error's voice glitch.  I wanted to get this out and making it glitch takes a few minutes and I have some work to catch up on too. If you are wondering why Cross and Reaper weren't there, it's cause the two are probably mourning Inky. No Ink isn't dead just in a coma, but well their bros so. That was a lot of Sanses in one chapter, plus I love Core!Frisk and Quantum! All these Sanses go to their respected creators. They are Amazing! Oh and Cover art is by me again! I really proud of how this chapter's art work came put, it might be the new cover of the book!

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