Chapter ~TWO~

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"How are you guys liking classes so far?" Armin bounced in his seat.

Eren eyed him—along with Mikasa, Annie, Jean, Marco, and Thomas—and blew a little air through his lips. "Pfft! It's only the second day---"

"---yesterday was filled with getting classes straight," Annie chimed in.

"---and taking yearbook pictures," Jean said. "So, some of us really didn't have many classes, if any at all."

"---and you're this freaking excited??" Eren continued, narrowing his eyes. "What kind of human are you again?"

Marco slid his arm around Armin's shoulders. "Aw, guys. Stop. He's just excited about school, that's all."

Eren narrowed his eyes. "He's a Pre-Med major! Who in the hell is excited about that?! You gotta be a masochist, for fuck's sakes!"

Armin smirked, swallowing a bite of his pickle. "Who said I wasn't, Er?" He lifted a brow. "Maybe I like to take a little pain every now and again." His last statement caused a roaring laugh from Marco.

"Trust me, it's way more fun giving the pain, than receiving." Eren spoke with his sandwich as gestures instead of his hands, causing a few pieces of lettuce to fly everywhere.

Armin laughed and rolled his eyes. Picking up a piece of lettuce, he tossed it at Eren's head. "Yeah, says the power bottom!"

"Armin! You're the King of bottoming!" Eren exclaimed. It was his turn to laugh. "I do believe I topped Thomas a time or two, though there's nothing better than bottoming out."

"Hey! That was like twice!" Thomas blinked a few times.

"Can we...can we just not?!" Jean made a face like he was going to throw up. "I'm eating here! Is this really our conversation?"

"Relax, Horse Face." Eren rolled his eyes. "Continue eating your hay and shut up."

"Hey now," Marco leaned in and kissed Jean's cheek. "I like my baby's face. He's fucking handsome." He chuckled when Jean stuck his tongue out (full of food) at Eren. "Babe! Eat with your tongue inside your mouth." Marco laughed. "So nasty."

"Anyway...I'm enjoying classes," Mikasa shrugged her shoulders. "I think Data Analysis as a major is gonna be fun."

Armin leaned in. "Aren't you taking every single class with Annie?"

Eren nodded for Mikasa before she could answer, teasing her. "That's why she's enjoying that shit."

"Whatever," Mikasa rolled her eyes. "It's fun. I like it. We both do. Our concentration is gonna be in Cyber Security. I figured I could put my computer hacking skills into good use. Maybe we could even work for the FBI or something."

Eren nodded, agreeing. Annie was good, but Mikasa was fucking awesome at what she did. He noticed her talents when she had gotten in trouble a couple of years back in high school. A teammate of his, named Kyle Barker, on the Baseball team, harassed him in the locker room for being gay. They were in their Sophomore year and Eren hadn't come out yet. Seeing as how Kyle put it out there, Eren decided to correct the fucker and let him know he wasn't just gay; that he enjoyed the company of everyone. Kyle called him a 'flaming faggot who took it up the ass' and nearly beat Eren to a pulp.

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