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Jin practically busted down the doors to see all the boys looking at him confused.

"Hyung what is it?" Jimin asked as Jin emptied his pouch on the dinner table.

"I went to Yena's house like yoongi asked to see what all we could find out and it's way deeper than you think." He said sitting down.

"Yoongi remember when you said Yena's blood was different?" He asked as Yoongi nodded.


"She has geum blood."

"Wait what how do you know that?".

"Madam Geum was the last geum left and she died back in 1968..." Namjoon said as Jin shook his head.

"No there's one Geum left, Madam Geum had a daughter and Lady Kim is what we all called her remember she was one of the 10 council members.".

"Why didn't she go by Geum?".

"Because Madam Geum didn't want anyone to know because of the war that was soon to begin, the only ones who knew were council members." Yoongi said.

"Exactly, You see the Geum bloodline was the only human bloodline close to the Min family. My father was apart of the council which is how I know." Jin said collapsing on the couch.

"So let me get this straight The Min Family, ruling family of the vampires had a bond with a powerful human family know as the Geums?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah they worked side by side to keep both parties safe, When the rebellion begun the Geum bloodline became targets and when Madam Geum was killed off the rebellion thought they had defeated them all."

"However with the help of the council and Lady Kim, The Min Family got the rebellion back in control...".

"So how does the Geums connect to Yena?" Yoongi asked as Jin pulled out one of the photos.

"This is Yena's family photo I found in her house..." He said as he reached into his pocket pulling out a small photo of you and your family.

"And this is the council."He said pulling out a picture of the council.

"Lady Kim is Yena's mom!" Jin said as Yoongi's jaw dropped.

There was no way.

Lady Kim would've told him, especially him.

"Wait wait wait...where's lady kim now?" Hoseok asked as Jin sighed.

"Nobody knows what happened to her she kinda vanished she stopped coming to council meetings and she went off the grid after 1996,." Yoongi said.

"What the hell...".

"When I was in Yena's house I saw Lady Kim's things still in her bedroom, I'm sure Yena knows where we can find her and her brother." Jin said.

"Brother?" Taehyung said.

"Yena has an older brother look at the pictures we just have to find where he is and we can get all three to help us with the rebellion.".

"Problem is we only have one Geum and we have no clue where the others are and Yena definitely isn't going to say anything.".

"It can't be hard to find him he probably still has social media.".

"Did you get his name?".

"Yeah his name is Kim Han-gyeol".

"We can't tell Yena yet though, not until we know for sure how she can help however we can't let the rebellion find out who she is or that a geum is alive." Yoongi said.

Jimin sat on the couch opening his laptop.

He typed in the name 'Kim Han-gyeol' and began browsing social media pages eventually finding an old facebook page.

"Hey Taehyung I think I found something.".

"Han-gyeol was a student at Inhun High School...he never graduated however." Jimin said.

"He was a senior student...from his record he was a little shady he had a few run ins with the cops for graffiti and shop lifting and one marijuana charge back in 2008.." Jimin said.

"He made straight A's though, so if he made good grades yet got into trouble outside of school maybe he wasn't trying to get the school's attention but more of his dads?".

"I don't get it, they seemed like a perfect family look at these photos..." Yoongi said walking into the room.

"On the outside, Jin said it was clear Mr.Kim had a drinking problem and Han-gyeol got into legal trouble a few times.".

"What about Yena and Lady Kim? Is there something we're missing?".

"Let's see...Yena graduated high school two years after her brother was supposed to, She went on to college and graduated two years ago, She works at a local bank and is has a clean record actually.".

"I'm so confused both the men in the house have problems and she's clean?".

"She's only clean to what the internet has...there's no way a girl with a alcoholic for a father and a troubled brother is this clean.".

"Wait wait I got something..." Jimin said.

"In August 2010, Yena was supposed to be sent into a physic ward for 1 year but got her time reduced to one month.".


"Apparently she attacked her father with a fire pole and nearly killed him, he dropped his charges and got her treatment shortened.".

"Why did she attack him?".

"Nobody knows she and him had a talk and before they could question her they cut her charges.".

"Guys I know this is going to sound crazy but I don't think we know everything about Yena's family...".

Jin looked at Namjoon confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Look at the pictures you took her mom stopped showing up in family pictures around 2005 and her brother stopped around 2010...".

"And look at the picture of the parents bedroom...".

"Her things are still on the nightstand, including medicine from 2005. Guys I don't think her mom is still in Yena's life." Hoseok said as Namjoon nodded.

"And Han's bedroom looks untouched for years.".

"He never graduated high school and his last facebook post was from 2010, it says he's going to visit his mom." Yoongi said.

"Then where are they?" Jimin said confused.

"They're gone." You said coldly standing in the door way.

The boys turned around and looked at you.

Why were they even looking into your family? It was a mess you didn't want them to think you were troubled but there was no point of lying.

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