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"You know there's not a reason for you to be afraid right?" Yoongi said walking you upstairs to the spare bedroom.

The manor wasn't too fancy and was rather neat, It smelt of warm cinnamon and sugar.

The hard wood floors were shined to perfection your bare feet walking across it lightly.

"You can sleep here, and don't think about escaping, the windows are locked shut and we have censors around the yard." He said causing you to drop your shoulders

"Fine whatever..." You mumbled making him frown disappointedly.

"Look I suck at apologizing but it's the least I can do. I'm...sorry for attacking you, I'm not always like that I promise." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

Was he being serious? You wanted to believe he wasn't but the sad look in his eyes and the way he awkwardly tried to justify his actions made you think otherwise.

"When my thirst is low I tend to not think properly and I end up doing things I wouldn't normally do. I'm really nice I swear...I was just hungry." He said, you looked at him wanting to say something but couldn't get the words out.

He looked like he was genuinely upset about his actions and it made you feel a little better.

"The boys are like family to me and we grew up together, we even died together. But now we're here. We have to bite people that's how we live we used to just steal blood from hospitals but we realized they actually needed those.".

What did he mean died together? They weren't actually brothers? Your brain almost exploded trying wrap you mind around it all.

"So we decided to start hunting again but things happen and now we're hated by Seoul." He said sitting at your vanity.

"What happened...?".

"Hunters...they don't really like us and one day me and jungkook were going to look for blood and well...they attacked and we ended up killing them." He said as it all connected.

"The old couple..." You mumbled as he nodded.


"I'm sorry I get it you guys need blood to survive it would just be better to tell me ahead of time instead.." You said making him smile just a little bit happy you weee beginning to ease up.

"You're right I just wasn't thinking." He said as you sighed.

"No no it's okay thank you for apologizing." You said as he reached into his pocket.

He pulled out a small coffin shaped box a blue ribbon holding it shut.

"For you...it's a peace offering." He said as you raised an eyebrow.

"Peace offering?".

"Yeah...no more fighting." He said as you smiled opening the little box a gold necklace greeting your eyes.

The small gem in the center was held by the gold as you smiled.

"Aw Yoongi it's beautiful but you didn't have to." You said as he shook his head taking the necklace putting it on your neck.

"See it's pretty, it's my bloodlines gem." He explained.

"Oh wow thank you." You said as he smiled.

"You're welcome, there's also a knife in there I can't touch it since it would harm me but you can use it to defend yourself from the other side." He explained.

"Other side?".

"Yeah they're vampires like me and the boys except way worse, they're more deadly and don't really care about others they're extremely selfish." He said.

"So if you ever encounter one you can protect yourself." He said standing up.

"Well I'll let you get some rest, I'll come get you when dinner is ready." He said walking out your bedroom shutting the door.

You laid down enjoying the quietness when you realized what happened.

Everything hit you as you sat up in a panic realizing how your disappearance would affect everyone.

"Oh my god...." You mumbled looking for your phone.

"What's wrong?" Jin asked from your doorway as you jumped.

"My dad he's going to kill me!" You said as Jin looked at you confused.

"You're a grown women why would he be mad?".

"My dad is different....look when my mom....never mind its just that I'm the only one he has left and he needs me that's why I never left he told me it would break him. Whenever I'm gone for too long he gets really mad at me...he's going to freak when he sees that I'm gone and has no contact." You said as Jin patted you on the back.

"I'll go visit him and let him know you're in good hands don't worry." He said as you looked at him.


Jin did feel bad, He didn't agree on taking you he knew they would keep you safe but he also knew how risky this situation is.

"Yeah...I'll do it when I go hunting don't worry about it." He said as you sighed hoping it would work.

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