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not the ending i wanted it to have but whatever


it was a sunday afternoon two years later that changed it all. jungkook had just returned from his walk around the block as he did every sunday when taejeon came running into the room, out of breath as if he had just finished a race.
jungkook turned his head, looking at the boy that stood there with flushed cheeks, hair in a mess and a small note in his hand. "what's up with you today-", jungkook asked his 18 year old son a little confused, to see taejeon running was a rare thing. usually he avoided to run at all costs, rather he missed a bus than speeding up to catch it last minute.

"i broke up with her", he let out, words stuck to his throat as he was still unable to catch his breath, "now go."

"what are you talking about?", jungkook asked, followed by a sigh as he put his newspapers down that he had started to read only ten minutes earlier. his heart was speeding up now just as taejeon had speeded up the street to arrive home as soon as possible. there was this tiny little spark hope that never died out, so tiny that jungkook sometimes forgot it was even there. but right now he could feel it again, creeping up his body until it reached his eyes.
of course he knew what taejeon was talking about.

"i'm about to go off to college in less than a month", taejeon started explaining, still in a hurry, "which means i won't have to see her if you and her dad start fucking around again."

jungkook looked at him in disbelief, "kid, why did you two even broke up? calm down, let's talk this out. i'm not rushing back to taehyung just because you and lili broke up. there's much more to work out between him and i."

"dad i swear to fucking god", taejeon cursed, "i did not break up with my girlfriend just so you can still be bitchy about all of this."

"i'm happy with mom, you did not have to do this because of me." jungkook stated, arms crossed. "things have been going very well. i settled and i'm glad i did."

"i didn't do that for you", taejeon snapped, "i know you're okay with things the way they are. you are always okay with everything. taehyung is not though. so now please do me one favor and not let this breakup be a waste."

"you two were good together."

"it's only been about three years", taejeon shrugged, "you and taehyung loved each other for twelve years now. lili is going to yale soon, i'm going to harvard. we'll move on. you two obviously won't ever move on."
"are you sure?", jungkook asked softly, "i don't want to be the reason you can't be happy with lili."

"dad", taejeon inhaled deeply, "i loved her. but i'm only 18, i'll find someone else. and i love you way more than i love her, so go and be happy for fuck's sake. you've never been happy, dad."
jungkook shook his head, "i can't just leave and-"
"you can", it was lyza's voice that interrupted their heated conversation. the young woman was leaning in the living room's door and looked at her son and her boyfriend. "there must be a reason why you and me aren't married yet", she smiled, "go."

"why are all of you pushing me to leave-", jungkook whined. "do you want me gone so bad??"

"sweetie", lyza said, "i was the one who left you first. i had no right to come back and take you with me like this. you gave me a chance to meet my son and you have been great, all the time, you've been amazing to me and our kid. now let me pay you back for sacrificing your happiness to give me the chance to meet taejeon. please."

jungkook got up, startled. "i can't believe you two."

"just go", taejeon bit his lips, "before i change my mind."

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