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"Don't hurt him", Jungkook begged as he got pushed back until he stumbled downstairs and got the door slammed to his face. Taehyung stayed with the kid and looked at him with big eyes, "You seriously stole my keys", he hummed before he took the kid into his arms and walked away from the door, sitting him down on the couch next to him. "Bet your Dad thinks I'll kill you or something", the boy giggled amused and then ruffled the child's hair.

"I'm sowwy", Taejeon stuttered, "I want to go outside", the little boy pouted as he looked up at Taehyung with big doey eyes, "That is why I stole keys."

Taehyung nodded slowly, "You know that stealing is a bad thing to do, right?"
"You stole me and Dad too", Taejeon shrugged.

"I didn't steal you", Taehyung sighed heavily, "I saved your life."
"Saving a life is not locking people in the basement", the kid rolled his eyes, "Also you're not a bad man why do you try to be then-"

"Taejeon", Taehyung rolled his eyes, "I'm not trying to be a bad man, I literally kidnapped you two-"
"Yet I do bad thing and you are nice to me."
"I could easily kill you right now, I just don't want to", Taehyung grumbled.

"Wrong", Taejeon giggled, punching the older with his small baby fists, "You can't because you like kids!"

"I can unlike them really quick tho-"
"I think you should like my Dad too and not lock him in the basement", Taejeon stated, fully unimpressed by anything Taehyung said. The tiny boy knew exactly that he was superior to the older because he had his cute face and Taehyung was weak for that.

It's not that Taehyung didn't kill before. Actually he did plenty of times. But he never killed someone innocent and what's more innocent than a small kid with puppy eyes? It's not that he was a good person, he just always wanted to raise a kid and having a girlfriend like Lyza made this dream basically impossible since they would not ever be able to have a proper family together.

"Your Dad would escape or do some other shit", Taehyung hummed, "I can't let this happen."
"Where would he go", Taejeon only said quietly, "You don't know my Dad, so you can't say that."

"I know for sure that he'd try to escape from me-"
"We have no place to go", Taejeon only said sharply, sounding way too serious for a kid. "But if you treat Dad bad then I will escape and hurt you."

"You're literally five, calm down", Taehyung scoffed as he got up and walked over to the front door, locking it carefully before he put the keys into his pockets and walked to the door which lead to the basement and opened it up.
"Fine", Taehyung pouted, "Jungfuck, come upstairs."

It took the boy exactly three seconds until he came running upstairs, eyes wide and searching for his kid immediately as soon as he got used to the light that was up here.
Taejeon however still sat on the couch, unbothered by anything while biting his nails and watching Taehyung being frustrated.

"Are you okay??", Jungkook asked, rushing over to the kid as he hugged him tightly, "Did he hurt you??"
The kid shook his head and bopped his father's nose softly with his finger, "No silly", he gave his worried Dad a kiss to his cheeks and then turned his head to Taehyung who just stood there, arms crossed as he watched the whole scene.

"So you didn't punish my kid for stealing your keys?", Jungkook asked, getting back up again, walking over to the older. They locked eyes with each other, almost like at a staring contest. "Why would I?", Taehyung grinned. "I'll make him my assistant one day when it comes to robbery."

"You won't turn my son into a criminal", Jungkook snapped, eyebrows furrowed.
"Watch me", Taehyung winked, grabbing the younger by his wrists. "Just like you'll be my little bitch who does the dirty work~"

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