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"Give me the kid", Taehyung had his arms crossed, eyeing Jungkook sternly. "Only over my dead body", Jungkook said, anger building up inside.

"That's not a problem", Taehyung snapped back, pulling out his knife as he walked closer to Jungkook. He had thrown him into his basement, it was dark in here but at least he gave him a mattress and some water. It had to be like that until Taehyung knew what to do with the boys he just kidnapped. There was no way of letting them go, but also no freaking way of keeping them here forever. Taehyung had a life. He couldn't hide a 21 year old boy and his son. Also, that kid would have to go to school? Right? He may be a kidnapper and broke into a house but despite all that, Taehyung wasn't a bad human being. The boy cared a lot and he didn't want to ruin a kid's future thanks to his own mistake.

If only he would have killed the boy. He could have kept the kid and raised him himself, or gave him up for adoption. But with his father coming along, Taehyung had no idea how to handle all that.

All he knew right now was that someone was about to come over who would literally yell at him if she would find out he kept a boy in his basement. Not even mentioning what she'd do to him if she found out about a 5 year old being down here as well.

That's why he wanted the kid.
He'd show it to her and tell her he found him on the streets. Or something like that. Taehyung had no idea yet.

"He'll be fine I'll give him food and a bed to sleep in", Taehyung grumbled, "Nothing's happening to your precious baby."

Jungkook didn't find that funny. Not at all.
He gritted his teeth and stared at the older with eyes full of madness. "You're not touching my kid. You're not going to take him away from me and you are most definitely not taking care of him. Do you understand?", he got up from the floor and got closer to Taehyung, trying to intimidate him. But the older wasn't even flinching, he just stared back, grinning a little when their noses were almost touching.

Jungkook however wasn't playing. The boy quickly grabbed the knife and then pressed it to Taehyung's throat, caught him fully off-guard with that action which made it impossible for the older to even react.
"I'm going to kill you if you take my boy away from me", Jungkook said calmly, voice cold as ice while a smile formed on his lips. "And if you ever dare to ask me to give him to you again, you're dead as well."

Taehyung gulped.
"So what you're gonna do now, huh? Got that knife, hm? What now?"

Jungkook could only smile a little brighter. "Why you asking? Are you afraid?"
"You wish", Taehyung spit out, now grabbing Jungkook by his throat while throwing him against the wall behind them, pushing the knife out of his hands. The younger stumbled back, head smacking against the wall along with the rest of his body that was trapped in between the older's strong arms immediately after.
He was still way too close. Completely out of Jungkook's comfort zone. "You love your son a lot, don't you?", Taehyung questioned as he held him by his throat, choking him slightly but with a loving smile on his face.

"I do", Jungkook breathed out. "More than-"

"Hey what you doing???", the tiny boy's voice suddenly interrupted the two of them who were busy fighting each other, pressed against the wall, no distance in between their heated up bodies.
Taejeon however had his head tilted and looked a little confused.
"We're just playing a game, sweetheart", Taehyung assured the kid, letting go of Jungkook's throat.

"Yeah, don't worry", Jungkook agreed.

"Weirdos", Taejeon shrugged and turned around and walked back to the small corner where Taehyung had actually put lights up and brought some stuff to play with. You could say anything about him but he definitely loved kids.

MODERN FAMILY | VKOOK जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें