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this chapter sucks sorry it sounded better in my head


"So you won't kiss me at all or-", Lyza let out the heaviest sigh ever after leaning back in the bed they shared. Jungkook looked at her in confusion, "What? Why not?", he looked puzzled and had no clue why the girl reacted like this.
"We've been living together for weeks now and you didn't touch me once."

"Oh-", Kook said, his cheeks blushing.

"Are you not attracted to me anymore? Maybe the five years apart made me ugly", the girl ruffled her hair, "Is it something about me or what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong", Jungkook laughed out softly, "I was waiting for you to do something."
Now Lyza was the confused one. "What why?"

"I don't know", Kook shrugged, "I don't like making the first move."

"But you did the first move back then-", she bit her lips.

"Yeah I didn't get fucked in the ass back then", Kook rolled his eyes, "That shit changes people, trust me", he chuckled softly.
"Okay that's too much information." Lyza gulped. "You know that I had sex with Taehyung too, right?"

Jungkook looked down to his lap, then nodded. "I know. He's good in bed, isn't he?"
"Yeah", Lyza laughed, "Was definitely not the worst-"

"Who was the worst?", Jungkook wiggled his brows.

"Oh come on, you don't want to know the answer", Lyza blushed, looking at him with big eyes. "I had sex with a lot of guys-"

"And the worst was?"

"Can't decide between Jimin and you", Lyza admitted and then laughed a little embarrassed, "Sorry, babe-"

"It's fine, I'm not made to fuck. I like getting the dick", Jungkook smirked.
"How are we two supposed to work", Lyza sighed and then looked out of the window, "Are you even attracted to girls anymore?"

"Yeah I am", Kook said, "I have an idea."

Lyza looked at him questioningly, waiting for the boy to reveal his idea.
"Butt plugs." Jungkook said fully serious, "I bet I'd like it."

"Oh sure how about we simply use strap ons so I can fuck you, hm?", Lyza joked but Jungkook actually liked that idea, smiling even brighter, "Oh yes yes!!"

"Jungkook please, I'm kidding."
"Well I'm not."
"Fuck", Jungkook laughed, "We might just not fuck, how does that sound?"

"Thought so."


Taehyung felt stupid.
He sat in the room for at least twenty minutes now and not one of the kids had even paid attention to him once. The nurse had told him to just go in and bond with some of the kids but they were all playing with each other or with barbies or lego.
At first Taehyung thought he was just uncool and that's why the kids wouldn't come to him but after a while he realized that he was an adult and that was considered boring in kids world.

Then he had tried to play with toys too but the kids only gave him odd looks and then continued with ignoring him. So now he just sat there and waited for something that he didn't know if it was even coming.

A squeaky girl voice behind his back made Taehyung turn around. He saw a girl with long black hair standing there, laughing amused because Taehyung was all by himself. "Thanks, I know", the boy agreed and rolled his eyes, "You didn't have to tell me that straight to my face."
"Truth hurts", she commented and then sat down next to him and handed him a lego toy, "Here. I saw you wanted to play too but the other kids bullied you. Here I brought you a toy."
She smiled proudly. Probably because she had done a good thing and that should be enough for the day.

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