Let Me Help You||Josie

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"Hey Jo" you smile at Josie.

Josie walks away from you and you ask "What did I do wrong ?".

"You killed someone Y/N" Josie says.

"I'm stuck in this prison world forever that's my punishment. Not being able to see you makes the blow harder" you say with a sad smile.

"I'm not staying here any longer than I have to" Josie tells you making you nod.

"That's what I thought I can help you all get home" you explain.

"How ?" Josie asked.

"You need an anchor for the spell let me do it" you say kissing her forehead.

She shakes her head and says "That means you'll never be able to leave here".

"I know but I love you too much to let you stay here" you tell her as she takes your hand and leads you to her family.

Lizzie and Alaric stare at you in shock so you hold your hands up in surrender.

"Dad she's going to help" Josie defends you.

"By what murdering us all" Jade asked with a sly smirk.

"No by being the anchor to this god forsaken spell" you say.

The lot of you head outside and Josie starts to chant.

She gives you the necklace which your guessing is going to anchor you to the spell.

You place it around your neck and the wind whips up.

Four portals open up and everyone drops through them leaving you alone.

Four weeks later ...

You sat drinking from a bottle of vodka in the breaking prison work.

After they had all left they severed the link.

The prison world was collapsing and it would most certainly kill you in the process.

"Hey sis" Hope said from a hologram thing making you turn around.

"Hey Hopey. Hey guys" you smile seeing the whole super squad appear to you.

"So how you holding up" Landon asked a violent jolt shook the prison world.

"Not great the prison world is collapsing and it will damn well kill me with it" you explain.

"How long have you got left ?" Lizzie asked.

"About 5 minutes all I've had the company of is a bottle of alcohol so it's nice to see you all" you smile.

Josie appears on the screen and says "Hey baby".

"Hey Josie I love you so much" you smile.

"I love you too I'm sorry you have to die like this because of us" Josie says.

"I'm not dieing because of you it's my own dumbass fault for choosing to be the anchor it isn't your fault" you sigh.

"How's Sebastian doing ?" Lizzie asked.

"You mean my ex lover yeah he's all good" you smirk.

"I better go before you all see this world collapse ontop of us" you say.

"Bye" they all say waving and ending the call thingy.

The world collapsed and crushed both you and your ex lover as it went.

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