It Was All A Game||Hope

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A pair of arms wrapping around your neck startled you until you recognize who it is and relax.

"Give me a heart attack next time Hopey" you laugh turning in her arms.

"I didn't mean to scare you" Hope smiles as you share a quick kiss.

The two of you had a rough past let's explain.

You came from a rich family in Las Vegas and Hope came from the Mikaelson family.

The two of you met when you visited your Aunt in New Orleans.

You had seen some guys attacking her and had quickly stepped in to help.

She was forever grateful to you as you had saved her that day.

You did a lot of kickboxing until your reached 18 and you became a supernatural.

After your 18th birthday you had accidentally killed someone in a car crash and had learned that you were a wolf.

After you and Hope met you both had a faint voice telling you to mate, mate, mate.

Well then you got together and where happy for a few months until she cheated on you with Roman then Landon.

The two of you had managed to work things out and here you were today.

"Babe what class you got" you ask.

"Urm History you" Hope questioned.

"Geography" you respond gently moving out of her arms.

"See you later my room" Hope smiles.

"No how about my room Jade won't be in tonight" you smirk.

"Okay yours love you" Hope says kissing your cheek.

"Love you too" you respond.

After the rest if the day had dragged on you went back to your room.

A few minutes later you heard a knock it wasn't Hope it was too early so it must be your sister.

"Hey Jade" you smile as you lean in the door frame of your shared dorm.

"Hey sis I saw Hope earlier she looked a little flustered" Jade smirks.

"You didn't threaten her again did you" you ask raising an eyebrow.

"No of course not I just gave her some words of wisdom" she said collapsing onto the bed.

"Oh god" you mumbled under your breath.

"What was that ?" Jade asked.

"Nothing" you laugh turning to the door opening it to reveal Wendy.

"Hey Y/NN is Jade here" Wendy asks.

"Yeah she's here, Jade" you call over your shoulders as she groans.

"Why ?" She asked.

"I have a date so get your ass out of our room" you laugh as Wendy grabs Jade's arm and drags her away for you.

You give her a grateful smile and see a blushing Hope stood in the hallway.

"How much did you hear ?" You smirk grabbing Hope by the neck pulling her in for a passionate kiss.

When you both come up for air she says "All of it".

You drag her into your room by the collar.

She sits down on your bed as you close the door and walk over to grab your laptop.

You sit on the bed beside her allowing her to cuddle up to your with her head under you chin.

Crazy In Love {Girls Of Legacies Gifs And Imagines} Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora