Chapter 20: Keir

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It took a while before Romello picked up on how to use a bow, but he is quicker than most I have taught. I wonder what he is thinking. I have a feeling he suspects me of my true motives, but for now, I'll wait and make my move when the time is right. I don't think he realizes we are looking for the same person. I have been looking for her for centuries on end. Every time I get close, she slips away from me. Finally, I have found her, and I will not let her go this time.

It is finally time for me and Romello to go through with our plan to get her back from his elite team of soldiers. As well as for me to finally be united with her, it has been a while and I cannot wait to see her, my beloved.

Her name is Esse. I lost her long ago when I was tricked by another man who loves her just as much as I.

I watched her die by the monster's hands. I mourned for many moons, until I sensed her one day, living and breathing. I searched for her over many lands and I was rewarded, but I came too late. I heard that she had just passed with my sorrow returning to my already aching heart.  

But this time I will get her back, no matter the costs.

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