Chapter 10: Ecclaissia

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I wake up clothed and chained to the cold stone hard walls of the dungeon, created thousands of years ago.

The dungeon is a burrow of some sort, it twists and turns like a maze so if you escape from the cell you'll be trapped in the maze-like prison. At least I get one of the first cells, which has a really small window, only a sliver of light can creep in. I don't remember what had happened. I hope Skye is okay. I remember practicing with our swords, practicing our combat skills without weapons, rough housing with each other, and having a picnic on top of a hill, that takes all morning to get to, and staring at the sun set and him saying that he thinks I am prettier than the sunset. I remember that the beautiful sun set being on fire, setting its flames onto the village. I remember that the flames were a beast who released its anger on us.

And I remember my friend running to me and being engulfed by the flames of odium.

Then I lay down and stare through the small sliver of my window at the starry sky.

I am slowly falling asleep. I have seen no one since the battle of the beast. I am starving, and I am lonely.

I want my friend back.

It has been a year and I can't live on any more. I spent my eighth birthday with the sliver of light dancing in my cell.

The chains have become too big.

I rest on the cold stone floor and slowly slip away in the light of the moon.

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