Chapter 15: Ecclaissia

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As me and Romello are about to go through the window the door bursts open to a tall broad man with a scar that starts at his face and continues to his chest. His eyes are demonic looking and are looking in my direction. I have seen this man before. But, when?

I toss the bag on my shoulder to Romello and tell him to get ready to jump on my cue. I unsheathe my blades and sprint toward the demonic man. As my blades are about to pierce him, he deflects my attack, I go in with my other sword and land a scratch that heals in a split second. I leap back to regain my thoughts on how to hold him off long enough for me and Romello to escape. That is when I noticed that the bell was gone. I look down to find my hand empty which was once filled with the bells handle. I look up at the man a see that he doesn't have the bell either, but then who does? I turn around for a second to see Romello holding the bell and relief fills me then pain fills me.

I slam into the wall and attempt to quickly stammer up onto my feet.

"Ecclaissia!" I hear Romello shout my name.

I feel wet and sticky I realize that blood is slowly flowing from injury of the blunt force of hitting the wall. I rush into another attack and get thrown into the wall again. Then an idea came to me. I grin at how perfect this would be.

I rush once again (at an angle so that when I am thrown again it will be towards the opening of the window) both blades pointed in the direction of the man. I feel the impact of his blow as I once again get thrown.

"Now Romello!"

He jumps out the window and rings the bell. A portal to the other world opens and we enter. As the portal begins to close, I notice a glint of some sort come through with us. I land harshly onto the dirt ground adding to the bruises I already have. I sit up and put my hand on my head from the aches of landing from the portal and the multiple blows I received from the demonic man. I lay back down feeling woozy and slightly nauseous.

"Romello." I call out to him with my recent, raspy voice, but I don't hear a response.

I sit up with a sudden burst of energy and rush over to his side. I don't see anything physically wrong. No cuts, a couple of bruises, but nothing else. I sigh with relief. I look down and now know what that glint was.

I open one of the bags and rummage through looking for the extra cloths I packed and ripped a long strip off to tie around the wound and to put pressure on the wound so that the blood will stop flowing out. I feel immense amount of pain, and trying not to cry, as I am tying the strip of cloth around the wound. After I finished bandaging the wound up, I clean off the knife that stabbed me and stored it in my bag.

I took the time to familiarize myself with my surroundings. We are in the middle of a field with a forest nearby to my right and a pile of boulders with a road to my left. We should probably follow that road so that we can recuperate and gather materials that we have lost. I move to Romello's side to check on him. He looks so peaceful in his sleep, I guess many people look peaceful in their sleep, I hope that Sky is in a better place than before.

Sharply, Romello sat up gasping and grabs me by my shoulders and brings me into a hug so tight that I feel pain throughout my body, I cringe my teeth, but I am glad nothing happened to him.

"Hey, um, Romello do you think you can loosen your hug strength? Cause it's sort of hurting me." I smile as he pulls me back and he smiles too.

I stand up and walk over to grab one of the bags when Romello gently grabs my wrist and turns me to face him. I look up into his eyes and see his concerned look. I take a step back and trip on the bag that I was about to grab and feel a wave of pain. I put my hand to my head in hope that my hand would ease the pressure and the pain throughout my body. Romello's figure turns fuzzy, I quickly rub my eyes so that his figure returns to normal.

"Ecclaissia are you okay?"

I look up at him and see the winds shifting differently than it was before. I immediately stand up grab both bags, toss one to Romello and grab his hand and run to the forest for cover.

Just as we enter the forest the man that attacked us moments before steps through the portal and looks around. He bends down and rub something between his fingers. He stands back up and turns his head in our direction.

I have to protect Romello.

I turn to Romello and look into his eyes hoping he will understand what I need to do.

"Romello. Listen to me very carefully." He looks into my eyes with fear and even more concern than before, "I need you to go in the direction of the boulders, when you get to the boulders start following the path slowly at first, then run when you are a distance away. Stay hidden in the forest until you see my weapons. That is the signal to go towards the boulders."

"No. I will stay and fight alongside you." Anger, pain, and sadness are forming the tears that are gathering in his eyes as he bends down to be level with me. "I will not leave you."

I force the tears back as I remember Sky and everyone else, I lost as I say, "But I need you, so I need to protect you." The tears that I built up fall down my cheek from pain in my chest and a memory I can never escape. "I will find you... I promise."

Romello stands up right and wipes his eyes before anything else could fall and walks away towards the direction of the boulders.

I take a deep breath and wipe my tears away so that I am not blinded in the upcoming fight.

I take a step.

Then another. 

Heart pounding with each step.

Soon, I am only a short distance away from the demonic man that I lost to only moments ago. 

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