Chapter 13: Ecclaissia

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Romello came back with two bags, and a sack of something, and my knifes, when he approached me, he was puzzled with all the hogs I have, "It is a gift for an old friend." I picked up the sack of hogs and headed in the direction of the Dark forest.

"Wait a minute! We aren't going in there, are we?"

I stopped and looked at him, then turned around and started to walk again in the direction of the Dark forest.

"I guess we are going in there then."

When we approached the entrance of the forest, I waved him over to come closer, so I could whisper "I want you to be next to my side at all times, if you could hold on to something that would be best." He nodded in confirmation.

Halfway through I started to hear the strange noises that I have heard before when the men who took me when I was young were attacked. Then I heard the same taunting voice I heard so long ago

"Oooh! What do I have here, let me see, a scrawny little girl and a stick boy? My lucky day! Even though I hoped form more, but this will be a snack to tie me over for a couple of years." I smiled and started to chuckle,

"What is so funny?"

I shouted "You really don't remember me? What a shame, I even brought a sack of goods, I guess it is all for me and my friend then!" Silence entered the monster mind, trying to figure out who this little girl is, and what I am.

"Are you that little girl in the woods so long ago who actually talked to me?" I smiled and shouted back "Of course I am!"

Romello has a confused look on his face, "Hey, who are you talking too?"

I responded, "The monster who rules part of the Dark forest."

Romello now has a combination of a shocked and a scared look on his face.

"What are you offering me today? I can't wait to see!" I pulled out the sack from behind me, opened the sack, and pulled out a hog. "I have, in this sack here, thirty hogs that have been severed into pieces. And that is only the first."

A hand appeared and opened to show its palm "Put the sacks in the hand and I will grant you safe passage for you and your friend." I put the sacks in the hand, the hand closed and disappeared.

"I will see you again, next time I might bring something with me too!"

The creature starts laughing and shouts "I'm counting on it!"

As we exited the forest the sunlight began to trickle through the trees, then exploded into full view Romello collapsed on the green grass and stared up at the sun, I walked over to him and bent over staring into his eyes and he stared back at me. Something in eyes tells me that I am a monster, but at the same time shows something familiar, something that I have seen before multiple times. I start to see flashes of fire and feeling scared, scared for the people I care for. I back away, I do not want Romello to see this part of me.

After I have composed myself, I turn around and say, "Let's go, we are losing daylight and I prefer not to travel in the dark."

"Why? I think it would be alright to travel since u have crazy powers, right?"

"No, I don't have all of my strength... yet." We pick up the bags and start walking. I noticed that Romello is not entirely pleased with my response, so I decide to give him my explanation, "I don't want to worry about being attacked by creatures in the middle of the night. Plus, there is a neighboring town nearby, which should have an inn."

"There's a town nearby?"

I stop walking.

"Why do you ask that?"

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