Chapter 23-

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"He was just some guy that served me and Kimberly drinks earlier"I tell him but I know he is buying none of it.

"Just a friend?"He scoffs.

"Why did you not tell him you had a boyfriend!"He yells as we pull up outside our home.

"I did I told him that I was here with Emery's dad when we saw him coming out of the baby change"I state getting out the car and picking Emery up from her car seat,laying her sleeping head on my shoulder.

I ignore Hardin,and make my way over to the porch,pulling out my door keys and stepping inside,hoping it slams him in the face.

Im Evil:)

"Were not done talking yet!"He bursts out saying walking through the door ,carrying the rose gold stroller.

"Let me lay Em down for her nap and after we can discuss the events for today like Mature adults"I say walking up the stairs to Emery's room.

I lay her down in her toddler bed and place a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Have a nice sleep angel,Mommy will be right downstairs"I turn on her night light as she is afraid of the dark and leave her door open,before making my way downstairs to Hardin sitting on the dark grey sofa's that have been put back in there places Miraculously!

I sit down on the cushion opposite him and I wait for him to say something .

I wait

and wait

and still wait

but nothing comes out of his perfect mouth.

You know what I will break the silence!

"Are we gonna talk or not?"I say to him,he looks up to me,his green orbs looking at me with...


"Why would you take his number?"He states,straight out with it I see.

"I did not take it,he placed it next to the cup when he brought out drinks back!"I sigh.

He does not say anything,instead he walks over to the kitchen,grabs a bottle of tequila from the cupboard.

When did we get Tequilla?

"Hardin stop-"But before I can finish he cuts me off.

"You don't get to tell me what to do anymore!You took the guys number and now I can drown my sorrows away,maybe even go out and fuck a few girls!"I step back at his words,the image of him having sex with another....another girl makes bile rise into the tip of my throat.

"You don't mean that!"I tell him but he nods his head and laughs.

"I do and I am gonna go out now,It is only 1pm but I bet I can fuck a girl within the first five minutes!"That's it!

"If you walk out that door don't expect me or Emery to be here when you get back"But he shrugs my gesture off and exits the door.


I log onto my laptop and book the next available flight to New York,I think it is time I visit an old friend,Scrolling through all the flight details,I come a across a flight that leaves at 9pm tonight.

Without hesitation I book it,I can't believe Hardin would say them things to me,It is not like I kissed that Jacob guy,he gave me his number.

Hardin really offended me when he said he would go and have sex with those girls and now he is going to pay the price!



Shit's going down!

Welp I thought as seeing as we don't communicate enough I thought why not ask you all a question at the end of every chapter?!

Today's question is......


Do you have any sibling?

I have 3,My twin sister Becca and My younger brother Brent!

Have a nice day Y'all!

Brittany xx

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