Would I do it again?

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People ask me this all the time and the thing is this is so hard to answer. For one I wouldn't want my worst enemy to have to have the experience I did, but I matured a lot during this time. Though to this day what happened affects me a lot in day to day life, I learnt a lot and wouldn't be the person I am right now had it not happened. This was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life and once I have published this and have had a conversation with the German company's owner as well, I am finally almost 2 years later, letting it go. I met the best friends I have ever had in Canada and with the exception of the host families, coordinators and organizations everyone I met while I was there brought positivity to my life at the time. I learnt a lot. And for that reason, if I had the choice, I would do it again.

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