Chapter 11 ~ Hangover!

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Chapter 11

Charlotte’s POV

Party day today!! It’s currently 5:45pm and the guests are arriving at 7pm. Zayn assisted me to finish cleaning and decorating the dining room and when my parents came home, dad helped mum make the food and drinks; Zayn and I finished our part an hour ago, so we spent our time playing Grand Theft Auto, that is until where we have realised that we need to start getting ready. At the moment Zayn is showering and I have finished showering and I’ve picked out my outfit. How long do boys take in the god damn shower? I managed to wash my hair and body, shave my arms and legs, get dried and dressed and now I’m picking out my two dresses that I’m wearing tonight, whilst Zayn is STILL showering! What is he doing in the shower? Anyway, I have decided to wear a long, white figure-hugging dress for the first 'formal' part and then change into a short, black lace figure-hugging dress for the party / dance / 'informal' part. I take a look at the time and it’s already 6.25! I’ve got 35 minutes to get dressed, do my hair and makeup, so I better hurry up.

“OMFG!” I hear Zayn scream and he runs back into the bathroom. Why was he screaming? Oh yeah, I’m kind off butt naked and my towel is on the floor. I pick it up and wrap it around myself.

“Oops, silly me. You can come out now Zayn, it’s all safe!” he slowly opens the door and pokes his head just in case I’m butt naked again. I go over to my bed for it to support me to stand up. I can’t stop laughing.

“It’s not funny Charlotte.”

“It kind of is Zayn. Your face though…you should have seen your face it was priceless. Omg I can’t breathe. Anyways, I’m going to get dressed,” with that being said I walked into my bathroom and got ready.

Harry’s POV

Omg. My hangover is killing me and Liam isn’t helping either. Liam and Louis came in this morning to find the apartment trashed and drunk people passed out in the garden, by the pool, outside and anywhere they could find; Liam being the person he is nagging at Niall and I whilst Louis sits there gaming and making fun of him. I’ll get that bastard later, he better watch his ass. Don’t get me wrong I love Louis, Liam and Niall … as friends of course, but they’re not helping right now. I don’t know how Niall is ignoring Liam right now, he’s casually munching away on his pizza. Damn him for being Irish, he can drink so much and be fine the next day.

Back to complaining about my hangover. I know that drinking isn’t the solution for my problems but at least it took my mind of last night, kind of. None of the boys except Louis know she’s back in town and he knows why I’m this drunk at the moment and I was hoping he would be a bit understanding, but no! He just sits there grinning like a Cheshire cat while Liam does my head in. Am I repeating myself? It’s probably because of the hangover. I’m just going to shut Liam out and go to sleep but I think there is something that I had to do today. Oh well, the boys will remind me.

 ****************************A few hours later***************************

"Harreh, Harreh. Harreh wake up.”

"Piss off Louis, I’m sleeping this stupid hangover off.” I really can’t be asked to get up. It’s probably around noon anyway.

“Harreh get up. It’s quarter past six and we have to be at Charlotte’s Christmas party dinner by seven.” After Louis stopped speaking, I jolted up and ran towards the shower room. How could I forget about the party dinner thing? Charlotte was going to be there so I had to go.

Louis’ POV

Harry was getting told off for drinking and throwing a wild party without letting Liam know, again. I guess I know why he keeps on drinking and having one night stands, it’s all because of her. He was a wreck when she left and he found out about her, he then got better and got over her but she’s back in town. Harry hasn’t told the other boys so they don’t know why he keeps going out, getting drunk a brining a different girl over.

He’s my best mate and everything, but me being the person I am couldn’t stop laughing at Harry’s reaction, whilst Liam was doing his head in. Honestly, I don’t think that boy will ever learn that Liam is serious about all this stuff; actually, I think Harry’s used to Liam telling him off for drinking, he’s fallen asleep and Liam is still lecturing him. There’s always drama in the One Direction house hold … in a good way.

Liam’s POV

I honestly don’t know when that boy while be responsible over his drinking. Over the past month and ever since we’ve moved here, he’s done nothing but go out and get drunk and lie down on the sofa all day complaining about is killer hangover. Don’t get me wrong, I love that idiot in the name of Harry Edward Styles but sometimes he gets on my nerves.

Niall’s POV

I can sit here watching TV with my bae all day but I have to get up and get ready for the Higgins’ Christmas part dinner thingy. Oh yeah let me introduce you to my bae. Her name is Domino’s Pizza. I have many baes; Nandos, KFC and McDonalds are just naming a few and I love them all equally, but right now I felt like spending time with Domino’s and watching TV. As much as hate to get up and leave my bae right now, I need to take a shower before the other boys get to it. All the showers in our rooms are broken so the five of us have to share the main bathroom.

Zayn’s POV

Life’s good but I miss Perrie. I’m still scarred after the incident in Charlotte’s room but I have to get over it because it is too embarrassing to think about. Anyway, it’s nearly seven o’clock, so the guests should be arriving soon.


Hi everyone! Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Sorry for updating really late but stuff is going to happen in the next chapter and something BIG is going to happen soon.

Thanx for reading!!

Love y’all!!

~A xx

Instagram: _theboysnextdoor_

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