Chapter 4 ~ Too much for one day!

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Chapter 4

Charlotte's POV

How does this man know me? Am l being stalked? Amazed and terrified, l stand there in shock.

"Oh so it seems that you don't remember who l am," he says. WHAT! He expects me to know him?

"My name is..."

"Paul Higgins," my dad finishes off for him from our door. Woah, had does my dad know him and why do we have the same surname. Oh no, please don't tell me that l'm somehow freacking related to this man who knows the five physcos that live next door to me!

"Dad? How do you know this man who knows the five weirdos l mean boys that live next door to us?"

"Well, darling, er how am l going to say this?" why is my dad being so hesitant?

"Well, he, Paul, is your...uncle!"

"What!" l scream out without noticing.

"See darling, you've only met your Uncle Paul when you were very young but things didn't work out between us as brothers, which is why you probably didn't know he was your uncle."

"Dad, don't you 'darling' me. You could have at least told me. You know what, l gonna have a word with the boys and I'll be back home soon and l'll have a word with you!" l know l'm over-reacting but sometimes it's nice to cause a bit of drama, and since l'm my parents only child, l get spoiled when l go into a strop, so this will benefit me later. l storm inside and l see five guilty looking boys looking at a me and they know what's about to come up.

"You guys fucking knew he was my uncle and you didn't tell me?!" They slowly nod at me.

"So none of you had the freacking guts to actually warn me that your 'guest' will be my uncle that l never knew about. Let me get this straight with you boys now, l'm a calm person and l don't usually get this pissed off and swear, but if you get on my bad and angry side, trust me, you will see things worse than this!" and with that l storm off. l walk past my uncle - l've definitely left a good first impression on him (note the sarcasm) - and open the gate to my front garden. l walk past my dad without a word and storm up to my room and slam the door shut.

That ladies and gentlemen, this is how you go off in a strop the Charlotte Harriet Higgins style.

I go up to my room and get changed. Since my mum nipped out to the grocers and l'm not talking to my dad for obvious reasons, l leave a note saying that l'm going out to Starbucks.


After a five minute walk to Starbucks, l finally arrive there and luckily it's not that busy, so l don't have to wait in a long queue.

"Hello miss, what can l give you today?" a polite young boy behind the counter asked and he somehow looked familiar. Why couldn't the boys next door be as polite as him?

"Um, l'll have a caramel cream frappe please?" l say trying to sound as enthusiastic and happy as l could.

"Coming right up. Can l have your name please? Bet you have a pretty little name to match your pretty little face," he gives me a wink and l giggle. What a gentlemen.

"Uh thanks er..." l look at his name tag. His name is Josh. "Thanks Josh. Oh and l'm Charlotte." l think l've seen him somewhere before.

"Omg! Charlotte! Is that you? You're Charlotte Higgins, right?" l remember who he is now!

"Josh? It really is you. Omg, l've missed you so much. You changed so a good way!" Josh was my best friend in primary school and the first year of year seven, but he left and went to America because of his dad's job.

"It really is you Charlotte. You haven't changed at all other than the fact that you're even prettier than before."

"l can say the same to you Josh. What happened to your shoulder length hair and the girl face and is that a tattoo on your upper arm," Josh has changed a lot! Back in the day, you could mistake him for a girl; he had shoulder length hair, smooth face and his body was like a nine year old girl's body and l used to tease him about this all the time.

"Char, do you want to take a seat. l just need to clean and wash everything and my shift will be over.

"You still haven't given up on the nickname, have you? And after your shift's over you can come round to mine for a bit."

He just laughs and gives a nod. Josh has called me Char ever since in year two when l accidently called him Jo and he didn't like me and he gave me the nickname Char once he found out l hated that nickname. l guess l don't mind it anymore.


Once Josh has finished, his shift, we walk back to mine, he says hi to my parents whilst l get my Xbox ready to play Call Of Duty 5. Don't judge me l love my gaming and l can practically beat anyone's ass when it comes to gaming, especially COD and Fifa.

Whilst we were gaming, Josh asks me a question.

"Char what's wrong. You haven't been yourself at all and before you say 'nothing' l know something is wrong. l was your best friend for twelve years of your life and l hope l still l am." I knew he wouldn't take 'nothing' as an answer and l'm not in the mood to fight against him, so l o ahead and tell him everything, starting from the boys next door moving in and l didn't leave a single thing out. l really needed to get things off my chest.

Once l finish he gives me a hug and says "Wow Char, you've had an event day today."

"Yepp, too much for one day!"



Hi guys!

l hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. So Charlotte HIGGINS has found out she's related to Paul HIGGINS! She has also bumped into her childhood best friend Josh. Josh is played by Josh Devine (One Directon's drummer), but in this story, Josh isn't One Direction's drummer and he's doesn't really know who they are, he's just heard of them. Please leave comments and talk to us.

Thanx for reading!

~ A xx

instagram: _theboysnextdoor_

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